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Make A Mary/Gary Sue With Phantom!Leafeon

by DopeLeafeon470

Hey everyone! Phantom!Leafeon here, and today, I'll be showing you how to make your own Mary Sue!
First off, choose your franchise! It can be Sonic, Undertale, FNAF...anything! Let's choose Sonic for this one! I'll showcase others later!
So the first thing you want to do is take a picture of Amy! Change her colors to look like Sonic's sister!
Which is exactly who she is! Sonic wishes she wasn't his sister so Sonic can fall in love with her! And all the Sonic boys do!
Shadow set aside his edginess and fell in love with your sue!
Let's call her...
Yma! It's Amy...spelled SDRAWKCAB!
Anyway, even Silver set aside his mission of ASSASSINATING SONIC and decided to marry you!
And Sonic fell in love with you too, because Fire Emblem Fates did it, WHY NOT ME?!
So now it's a dating sim decision!
Now you have to choose your best friend!
It can be Cream or Blaze!
Oh yeah, and Tails falls in love with you too! Screw Cosmic!
Then, after you choose both, you make a Death Battle series on YouTube and then get people to like you, then the people at ScrewAttack! to like you! LOGIC!
Next is Undertale!
She's related to Sans!
She's harder to beat than Sans and Chara's attacks ALWAYS miss, unlike Sans!
Sans falls in love with you!
And your looks have no relation to Papyrus because who cares about that stack of bones anyway?
He likes you too!
And every monster in the underground does!
Including Asgore!
And you're the favorite child of Asgore, and can kill Asriel no problem!
But you'll never get the chance because he'll instantly stop killing everyone and fall in love with you!
Grillby gives you free stuff because he likes you!
Your attacks are impossible to dodge!
Next is FNAF!
You run so fast, the cameras can't catch you!
You can easily crawl through vents and break through doors!
But who cares about GAMEPLAY?
Chica's your best friend, Puppet loves to control you, and you're the lead singer of Sister Location!
Also, Freddy, Bonnie, and Foxy like you!
You UNmangled Mangle!
You can still live even if you get shut off or burn!
Your nightmare version can break through doors!
Your toy version is so adorable, not even the night guard can resist!
Your plushie is the most popular!
And don't forget your flawless style! You're made of hard titanium, which means the night guard can't crowbar you! Thanks Foxy!
You made Spring Trap crawl out of his suit!
You're a worldwide icon and keep the pizzeria alive!
Next is Gumball!
Gumball and Darwin love you!
Nicole adopted you!
You made Richard stop eating bad food!
You're the most popular kid at school!
You get free food from the cafeteria, and get to skip every gym class! And every other class because you know everything!
Your hair is RAINBOW!
You're a great artist and everyone requests for you to make drawings, and since you don't have any homework, you can draw requests instead!
You got a pet fish that is also the most popular kid at school! Behind you, of course!
People make a billion copies of you in hopes of becoming you!
They always fail!
You get a billion messages on Elmore Plus every day!
50% drawing requests, %40 flirts, %10 anything else!
Next is Steven Universe!
You're Steven's favorite gem!
Your weapon is the super-duper-ultra-double-axe!
It can cut through anything!
You can beat all the crystal gems no problem!
You can destroy multiverses when you fuse with ONE of them!
Your gem is the diamond!
You revived Peridot AND Lars!
Faster than Steven ever could!
Speaking of Peridot, they may not have been sure about letting Peridot free, but when you say they should, they automatically agree with you!
Next is Warriors!
ShadowClan surrendered to you!
You're the leader of EVERY clan!
Every tom cat loves you!
Every she cat wants to BE you!
And I think that's it!
And best of all...
The Snom Prince likes this.