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by DartrixTheIntrovert

DartrixTheIntrovert The Aether foundation worker James, speaks to his boss, who gives him a promotion... of sorts.
"James!" screams Wicke. "Yeah, what is it?" She walks over to me where I sit on a rock in a pond feeding the corsola. "Guess what!" she looks at me excitedly. "President Lusamine wants to speak with you about something important!" "Wow. Me? Could that mean a promotion!?" I grab my pokemon and I start to walk in the direction Wicke tells me to. I find Lusamine in the courtyard of the top level of Aether Paradise. "James. You're here." she starts walking down a walkway to her right. "Come, speak with me." I walk next to her and soon we reach a spot to sit by a birdhouse section full of Pikipeck. "Look, James, you are one of Aether foundations strongest trainers. And I would like to give you an opportunity." Many thoughts go through my head. What could this mean for me? "I'd like to let you in on a secret." She looks me right in the eyes. Then grins. "The Aether foundation and Team Skull. We are partners not enemies." She stands up happily. While I just sit there in devastation. She grabs my hand and pulls me up. "Our goal here at Aether paradise is to bring the beasts here, and the goal for team skull all the way in Po town is the same. There helping us. Now, I'm giving you a promotion. You don't deserve to have to sit ere and waste away, I want you out tin the field. You will work as a double agent. Some days you're an employee. Others? A grunt. You will receive a new outfit, for you are now an Aether trainer employee. And another, because you are a team skull grunt."
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