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Little Mac VS Spring Man (Punch Out!! VS ARMS) | ASSAULT!!

by DopeLeafeon470

DopeLeafeon470 Two of Nintendo's strongest (and only) boxers face off in the ASSAULT!!
Remember Muhammad Ali? Great guy, RIP.
One of the things he's good at is boxing, don't you forget it!
Boxing is one of the oldest olympic sports, and was able to keep its popularity for centuries.
Not even DanTDM can keep up with that.

Seriously. He's DopeLeafeon and I'm Rotom!
We've set up traps and weapons across the arena, but who will win the Assault?
Once upon a time, there was a boy named...uh...did he have a real name?
Don't think so.
Let's call him Baby Mac then.
(rewind sound)
Once upon a time, there was a boy named BABY Mac.
Baby Mac had always dreamed of becoming the world's greatest boxer.
After his parents died...because he never had any...
He had to look for a new caretaker. And what better guardian than a retired boxer who eats chocolate bars all day?
Baby Mac was excited for this. His mentor, Louie, even gave him a chance in the minors when he was old enough.
And gave him his new title: Little Mac.
Little Mac has a small arsenal, smaller than Fireheart's, but he makes the most out of what he has: His boxing gloves.
These are green boxing gloves...
...you were gonna say something?
No, they're just...green boxing gloves. That's it.
Oh. Coulda sworn you'd say something else.
No I wouldn't. Why would I ever say something twisted about boxing gloves? Any extra power comes from their bodies, not their gloves. Unless you're Tifa.
Even if I was researching TJ Combo or Balrog or even Muhammad Ali...any extra power comes from them.
Huh. Learn something new every day.

These are normal boxing gloves, but like we said, raw power comes from the Mac himself. He can use his Straight Lunge that can catch on fire or stun opponents with, I kid you not, electricity...
Or he can use his Jolt Haymaker...which looks like a volleyball spike by the way.
He can also ground, meteor smash, and break shields with this attack.
Not to mention his Rising Uppercut, which can hit multiple times, push opponents away with a gust of wind, and...use electricity again.
He can even counter with...well...Slip Counter. Which is REALLY fast, and multiplies the damage done by 1.3 percent.
Not to mention his Star Punch, which needs to charge up, but can deal a TON of damage once he does. But when Little Mac goes Big Mac, he goes Giga Mac.
I did NOT just go to McDonald's by the way!
Giga Mac is Little Mac, but everything is bigger and faster. Like...much faster for his size.
Little Mac has beaten the World Championship, outran a bicycle, and beat, I kid you not, the one, the only, Mike Tyson.
I know, right? But...then again, Little Mac IS little. He may be able to slip through the cracks SOMETIMES, but that sometimes that can get him into big trouble. He's also kind of a dirty fighter.
Little Mac's been made fun of by many for his size, even Samus compared, but that doesn't stop Little Mac for being the Big Mac.
(Little Mac star punches Mr. Sandman)
It was in a world similar to ours. Everyone had a life, everyone had things to do...but there was a problem.
It was also something AWESOME!
Some were born with the ability to extend their arms. Therefore, they didn't have the same abilities as normal human beings.
Some used them to be lazy, some tried to get real arms. And some used them for boxing!
That's right, this popular sport is called...ARMS.
Is that an acronym?
Nope. It's just ARMS.
...and these guys were cool, too! Ninjara attacked with curves, Master Mummy is a powerhouse, Mechanica is the good-natured Eggman, and Max Brass rises above the rest.
But there was one fighter that stood out among the rest: Spring Man.
Spring Man is the most basic of them all, but well-rounded.
And by first looking at him, you see boxing gloves, right? Heh heh...WRONG!
These are Toasters, Fire-Element hands.
They may not look Toaster-like, but these guys BURN!
Like his hair!
How does his hair burn...?
I'm just saying his hair looks cool.
How does he even get it like that?
I don't know! There must be SUPER-STRONG gel in the ARMS universe!
Sounds like I would like to try that.
I would, but I'm a bolt of electricity...
He has other weapons, though. He has his trusty Boomerang, which curves and is a projectile, and his Trident, which has three shots before it comes back to his hands.
Speaking of his stretchy hands, Spring Man doesn't have to stay in close-quarters combat. He can stretch his arms, but boy, do they take a while to get to his opponent.
Spring Man won against every ARMS character at least once, including Max Brass, but he does get his ass kicked from time to time.
He got a cheek-crushing blow from Ribbon Girl...whose arms are literally made of ribbon, and, again, is all-around, so he doesn't have any game-breaking mechanics like Helix's stretchy body or Master Mummy's non-flinch.
He creates shock waves when he dodges, and when his health is low...he can electrify his arms. Sounds familiar...
And when enough energy is gathered, he glows yellow and can punch infinitely for a short period of time. Does that make sense?
Spring Man is a funny guy, and not exactly in the good way, but in order to beat him, you'll have to catch him before he catches you.
Spring Man: Spring Man!
Alrighty, both characters have been researched, it's time to get ready for the fight! Here we gooooooooo!
The crowd was roaring. Everyone was excited to see the matchup to end all matchups, the fight of the century. "Hey, everyone! It's me, your host, Biff! And it's time to introduce our first fighter! Coming in at 168 pounds, the champion of ARMS, a fighter with high Enthusiasm and Jokiness, the one, the only, SPRING MAAAAAAAN!"
Spring Man walks into the stadium, lights flashing everywhere and he steps onto the stage.
"And our challenger, coming in at 107 pounds, a lightweight fighter with heavyweight dreams, and the one who has been climbing the ranks up to this point. HE'S LITTLE MAAAAAAAAAC!" Biff yelled, as Little Mac walked onto the stage with Louie behind him. "I've heard about this guy, Mac. He'll be no problem for a guy like you!" Louie laughed. "Show 'im what you're capable of!" Louie started drinking a water bottle from the intensity. "You got it, Doc!" Little Mac turned around. This guy won't be easy. Better wear him out and go for the kill! Spring Man thought as he smiled.

"I think both corners are ready to go for it!" Biff looked at both corners. Little Mac and Spring Man inched towards each other. "Aaaaaaaand..."
Only the strong survive!
Little Mac instantly started off the fight with a body blow, which caught Spring Man off guard. Mac gut punched him again as he started swiping quickly.
"Mac's starting off strong and ferocious! Getting scared yet, Spring?"
*rEaLiTy WaRp*
Dope: I WOULD say his punches break the sound barrier, but... (jolts head towards @Mewtwofan259 )
*ReAlItY wArP*
Each one of the weaker attacks hit Spring Man, but eventually, he blocks one and counters with a swift punch to the face, which knocked Mac into a corner "Here he comes for the follow up! Looks like bigger is better!" Biff said. Spring Man smirked after what he said. Finally, Mac found a tiny opening and used Slip Counter, making Spring Man vulnerable. Little Mac stroke quickly, used Jolt Haymaker, then Rising Uppercut.
Spring Man falls to the ground.
"Wow! It seemed like any fighter could've won that round, but Little Mac seems to have won that bet!"
Spring Man starts to get up.
3! 4!
Spring Man gets up fully, just in time for the bell to ring.
"There's the bell, ending Round 1!" Biff said, as both fighters walked to their corner. "Mac may look like he's got the edge in this fight, but as we all know, Spring Man doesn't give up until the end!" said Biff. Spring changed his left arm to Boomerang and his right to Trident. Mac and Spring got up from their seats. "Hit 'em, Mac!" Louie cheered.
"Bring it on, punk!" Spring Man stalled as he jumped backward, sending a shock wave and stretching his arm out. Mac charged up a Straight Lunge. The shock wave didn't effect him, and neither did the punch, but when he was done charging, he lunged forward, hitting Spring Man right in the gut. The powerful attack cracked the stage. The staged collapsed, so another powerful attack from Spring Man made almost everyone so scared they had to leave the stadium...except for Biff, and actually quite a few people who wanted to see the turnout. "There'll be no ref for this match, no sirree!" said Biff. Mac and Spring exchanged punches for quite a while. Finally, a Smash Ball appears and Spring Man is fully charged. Little Mac breaks the Smash Ball with ease and Spring Man activates his special. Little Mac transforms into Giga Mac as both fighters began punching super fast. Finally, Giga Mac realizes he's not flinching from the punches, so he punches Spring Man right in the face with all of his might, punches downward with the same power, and finally, a big uppercut to blow Spring Man's head off. "Woah! That's violent!" said Biff, as he ran away, cartoon-style. "Okay Mac, that was a little overkill...I expected no less for an awesome win!" said Louie and Giga Mac went Little Mac again.

Louie and Little Mac are chewing chocolate bars together.
Max Brass slowly walks out of the stadium, shaking his body out.
Ho-ho-ho! That's Heavy-licious!
Sandvich delicious! Spring Man and Little Mac are equally matched in every way...except for one thing.
Spring Man may have his Tribolt and Boomerang as alternate arms, but Little Mac survived a hit from Mr. Sandman. And Mr. Sandman could knock down SKYSCRAPERS with a single punch! Plus, Spring Man struggles against characters like Master Mummy, and the resemblance between him and Giga Mac isn't hard to find, so we can assume that Giga Mac won't be going down from such little punches.
And Spring Man hasn't accomplished much besides winning the ARMS Grand Prix, but heaven knows how strong those characters are.
Plus, ARMS is in a completely different universe. They could be stronger than us, they could be weaker than us, but either way, Mac still outspeeds.
Looks like Spring Man couldn't bounce away in time.
The winner is Little Mac.

@Dim Dim
*deep breath*
When it comes to being gray, that usually means you're bland, right?
You can probably already see where this is going.
(lights start to flicker)
(they reveal a message)
Everything- Me
  1. DopeLeafeon470
    Oct 15, 2017
    CosmicArt likes this.
  2. Shrine
    Oct 15, 2017
  3. DopeLeafeon470
    Oct 14, 2017
  4. Mewtwofan259
    I agree with this one. But... You kinda stole that 'Reality Warp' think from Magearna vs Diancie. :p It's okay, though. And I would like to join your notification squad.
    Oct 14, 2017