legendary pokemon as weapons: Latias weapon

by roanyael

roanyael So it took a while but here is Latias.
also dou you think Latios should just be the same weapun but a different colour or something different. Cuz he is next.
SageNeb, Blotch'd, ~Rinko~ and 8 others like this.
  1. roanyael
    and if you mean ass

    thats not funny
    Aug 24, 2018
  2. roanyael
    Aug 24, 2018
  3. Gamastar
    That's not latias that is latiass
    Aug 2, 2018
    roanyael likes this.
  4. ~Rinko~
    Latios' should have the red and blue swapped around and maybe flipped around the other way
    Jul 31, 2018
    roanyael likes this.