Vivianne Delmare: Lapras - Vivi

by limniris

limniris I'll do Omanyte next!
Lapras - female, Gentle, capable of taking hits

Lapras tend to spend their lives in the water in groups. They are social, empathetic creatures, and are favored for their ability to understand a person’s orders without much training. Many believe them to be some of the most intelligent of all marine Pokemon, and numerous ancient cultures revered them as respected deities of the sea. In recent years it has become a status symbol to own one, either alive or dead.

Many species struggle with poaching, and Lapras are no exception. Their skeletons are valued (the shell is attached to their spine) and in some regions they’re considered a delicacy. At the moment they are considered endangered, as populations are currently at an all-time low.

One example of a Lapras separated from its flotilla is the one currently in rehabilitation. It's as much a sweetheart as any other of its kind, but it is quite injured and slow to heal.
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