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Kheptir 1

by Silvermist599

Silvermist599 For this series, I'm not going to put much in the summary except for in this chapter to explain things. This is the story about a boy who knows a lot about Pokémon, but does not believe in their existence. He's from our world, but via some means that we don't know about, he ends up in a place where they most certainly exist. He has to battle through the region as we find pieces of his past and learn his motivations as he strives to become the champion of the region.
Kheptir is just what I'm calling chapters in this series.
What happened?

Where am I?

What happened to…?

A million questions were racing through the ten-year old’s head as he began to regain consciousness. His friends… that man… he needed to find a way to save his friends.

The young boy pushed himself weakly into a sitting position before sweeping his brilliant white hair out of his face and looking around him. He was sitting in the middle of a crater that he could only assume he’d created as he landed. The sound of sirens began to reach his ears as he struggled to his feet and he ran, he ran as fast as his feet would take him.

The kid wasn’t sure how long he ran. He ran out of the field, though a forest, before finally collapsing onto the floor of a cave. He had no clue where he was. Was he even still in North America? Something told him the answer was no.

Figuring he’d try and go find a city in the morning, the boy decided to just stay in the cave he was in until then. It was still afternoon, and he was hungry, but he’d endured worse. He could put off eating for a day. He’d be fine. At least, that’s what he told himself.

The boy had been in the cave for about an hour, practicing what he’d tell the people he found, when he heard some sort of demonic growl. The sun was starting to set and the boy froze as the growl sounded again, this time sounding closer. The growl sounded demonic, like a kind of wolfish howl obscured by a weird static noise. The boy wasn’t sure what it was, but it was strangely familiar, though he wasn’t sure where from. He stood up in anticipation, prepping for whatever creature was going to attack him, but what he saw shocked him.

A green snout with a yellow stripe in the middle of it peeked through the mouth of the cave, sniffing around like it was tracking something. It walked inside, it’s nose to the ground and the boy could see that it had a long face that had three strange spires on the back of its head. Its paws and all of its fur was green, but the tip of its smooth tail was yellow. Its smooth black eyes were fixed on the ground and its tongue was hanging out of its mouth between a pair of sharp fangs. The boy recognized it immediately, but that was impossible. Pokémon weren’t real…

However, it was hard to say Pokémon weren’t real when he was making eye contact with an Electrike.