resident evil au????: Joey Vigne (The Seeker)

by Bumbletime

Bumbletime This is Joey Vigne, he’s an oc who appears in my RE8 AU

- He was "taken in" by Miranda to seek out Heisenberg after he fled off to the mountains.

- Before the lycans attacked and his parents were killed, he was the Village mailboy. He was around 17 when this happened. (hes short ok)

- He's pretty much blind when not mutated, due to the attack from the lycans. When Miranda took him in she promised she'd "Give him his sight back". Since going blind, he's become a lot better at telling his location based on echos.

- His mutated form has incredibly heightened senses - He can see really well (multiple eyes lol) and can partially see infrared light, as well as being a lot more sensitive to sound.

- The branch-like things on his mutated form's back are also there when he's unmutated, and he's able to control them like extra limbs. This aids pretty well in making himself seem taller and more capable, as the Lords have a lot of disdain for him and don't fully support Miranda's decision in assigning him to the task of hunting down Heisenberg. They don't question it though.

- He's near silent when he walks, contrasting his aggressive, sharp and angry nature when he talks.

- He’s ‘friends’ with Moreau out of their pity for eachother only. Joey can’t see him and therefore isn’t repulsed by his appearance, nor does he understand why he’s constantly called ugly, and Moreau feels bad that all the other Lords see Joey as a “not as bad Heisenberg”
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