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Isabell's life

by Glitchy Gold

Glitchy Gold 1st Chapter
I was born in Violet City, on the 1st of November in 2006. My father is Falkner, and we live together with his and my Pokémon-Team. And on 1 day, I want to become the Johto-League Champion! That's my biggest dream... So, enough for my diary! Bye!
Isabell: *sigh*
Typhlosion: Hey, what's up?
Isabell: I want to say Gold, that I love him...
Typhlosion: Do it!
Isabell: I can't...because I'm too shy...
Typhlosion: WHAT?! You must do it!
Isabell: I'll think about it...
*Falkner comes in*
Falkner: Isabell?
Isabell: Hmm? What's up, daddy?
Falkner: I go to the gym now.
Isabell: Kay, see you soon!
*he goes out the house, Silver and Blue came in*
Isabell: For what?
Blue: For Gold...
Isabell: And why?
Isabell: No way... GOLD, I'M COMING!!!
-in the Hospital-
Isabell: What's happening with him?
Eusine: It was Raikou, it used Thundershock on him... Sadly...
Isabell: Really?! This can't be real! Oh gold...
Eusine: The Doctor said: "only a kiss from his true love can awake him."
Isabell: It means: I'm not...
Silver: You ARE his true love. That was his secret.
Isabell: WHAT?!?!
Blue: It's not a joke!
Isabell: NO WAY!!!
Typhlosion: THAT means: You MUST kiss him!
Isabell: But-
Silver: Oh no, he's right! We can go out and then you'll do it, okay?
Isabell: *sigh* F-fine...
*they go out, Typhlosion too*
Isabell: Oh man... *sigh* A-alright then... *kisses him*

James: Can we do a break?
Meowth: That's a good idea! C'mon Jesse!
Jesse: No.
James and Meowth: WHY?!
Jesse: We need the Pikachu!
James: That can wait... Only for one break!
Jesse: Okay fine... One break...
James and Meowth: YES!
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