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Isabell x Male!Reader - I´m sorry..

by Glitchy Gold

Glitchy Gold (y/n) = your Name

Well, Girls can read it too, if they want. XD
Isabell´s pov

Have you ever had the true love? Me, yes. But I ruined it. This "true love" lasted two months. The reason? I cheated on boyfriend. My now ex-boyfriend (y/n) would certainly never want to see me again.

"Isabell, how can you do that to me? I trusted you!" It was a voice that I immediately reconized. (y/n)... I broke the kiss awkwardly. "It´s not what it looks like!" I screamed as loud as I could because he was already running away from me.

Suddenly he stopped and looked in my eyes. "Forget it, there are no explations for that. I can´t forgive you!!" and so he ran away crying. Far from me and from complete Johto. I just stood there frozen, until I realised that something is flowing down from my face.

"It was just a.."

Just a what?
"Isabell!" a voice called me. And I know who it was; my best friend Ethan. He said that it will be okay soon.

Like hell it will..

Well, it can go so fast. Months, to work on it, and only seconds to lose it..

I´m sorry...
I´m sorry for all what I´ve done to you...
For all the pain that I´ve given you...
I still love you...
And I´m waiting for you.
Will you come back and love me again?
I´m so sorry, (y/n)...​
Jodie.xox and Hollow Omega like this.
  1. Jodie.xox
    I read this in a youtuber's deep voice, it sounds so perfect
    Jan 21, 2019
    Glitchy Gold likes this.