Dice: Incomplete Dice Sets

by TooBlue12

TooBlue12 A lot of these are random dice I have gotten form big ol' bowls at my local card shops or friends have given me. They caught my eye.
Except for the skeleton D6s. Those I also got from wish. Planned to use them for a cute character who was gonna be Sammy the Necromancer, just a big ol cinnamon roll. Have yet to get to play him.

Than the BIG D20 that came from a Gift Set of Magic the Gathering ( a card game) from a series that is Dungeons and Dragons themed. I honestly got it just for the dice. Letting my boyfriend have the cards even though I went half of it with him. :D

Oh and idk why but my favorite is that little D6 in the middle picture. It's got cute little maple leaves inside of it. It was given to me by my amazing friend @MorganFae
  1. TooBlue12
    @MorganFae had to give credit where credit is do friendo.
    Aug 21, 2021
    MorganFae and ThAtGuY101 like this.
  2. MorganFae
    I have been Pinged....thank you
    Aug 21, 2021
    ThAtGuY101 and TooBlue12 like this.