I was a star

by Popplio

Popplio I felt like writing something again. It may not be good, but i think this is better than what i have made before.
I heard a nice whispering voice in my ear. "Its your turn now" she said, and looked at me with a friendly smile. I also gave her a smile. She was a Raichu, clearly not from Alola. If she was from Alola, she would've been a Alolan Raichu. I was only a Lycanroc. I didn't have any talent, but the Pokemon in Alola watching me saw me as a star. I had rescued this poor little Pikipeck and its family from a wild Zangoos. We don't see those guys so much around here. I watched as the curtain opened. As soon as they saw me, they began cheering for me. I couldn't help but smile. They came all the way, for me? It was incredible!

I began wondering while smiling at the people cheering. What did she mean by "Its your turn now"? Was there more people like me waiting to be cheered? That thought made me a bit sad. If it was the case, i was nothing special. I turned to the side when a Machamp came over to me. "Are you ready?" He said with a solid voice. I was a bit confused, but i nodded either way. To my suprise, he picked me up, and went down from the scene i was on. The people followed him, even when he went up to the volcano. He tried to contact the guardian, and then knew what was going on. They were trying to donate me to the guardian! I tried to escape, but the Machamp's grap around me was immovable as ever.

The guardian finally came, and looked at me right in the eyes. I couldn't breathe. The guardian i had looked up to ever since i was a Rockruff, should now get me as a donation. The guardian flew in circles, and then came back to the Machamp. I couldn't hear what they talked about, but i think it was something about if they were sure about this. The guardian took a look at me again, and flew up. The Machamp walked forward to the edge of the volcano. A Gumshoos walked up besides the Machamp, a paper in its hand. It began speaking. "You, guardian who protects us, we give to you, a pure soul to help you. This soul has helped a whole family. We have now thought that this soul would be happy to help you." I looked at the Gumshoos with hatred in my eyes. Happy to help the guardian? No no no! They could have taken someone else!

Without saying anything, the Machamp dropped me. Down in the hot hot lava.​