Hey look, an Aegislash drawing

by Captain Pokémon

Captain Pokémon My first digital drawing! When you have the right materials, it’s basically normal drawing but a lot more convenient. I definitely prefer it over normal drawing. Anyway, this is just something I made in my spare time. Took about 4-5 hours as a whole.

Omg an edit, very bad ah terrible dislike: Holy moly this kinda blew up lol. Thanks for the support you guys, it means a lot.
  1. Havoc_The_Gandalf
    Great drawing for a great Pokémon1 ! The colours and lighting are really neat. Keep up the good work :D

    1 (controversial but eh, don't kill me pls Aegislash haters)
    Jun 19, 2021
    Captain Pokémon likes this.
  2. Shikowara
    This looks great!
    Jun 14, 2021
  3. Joy~
    Looks sick! Really great for a first time drawing :D
    Jun 2, 2021