Fun art I did, for the upcoming Zorua Day!
love that cute little foxy
! is my friend's Zorua sona, let me use her for the art, she is the one with the orange tufts!
"plenty of apples to share, nom away everyone"
• on the far left, reaching over the overturned basket to grab an apple
"so good and tasty
• another reaching from the top, as if reaching down to grab an apple
"I can get it! just a little farther..."
• one running towards ! not sure to eat or play
"I'm here! I'm here!"
• behind !, laying on her tail
"! ya tail is very vewy fluffy"
• silly one looking up two silly Zouruz, reaching up to get high with them
"can you toss me that apple?"
• two on the top basket, left Zouru nibbling a tail very happy
"this apple tastez funny"
• one getting tail nipped not too happy, since the sudden nip made him drop the apple it had
"eeepz!!! thats mah tail..."
• another shiny silly one looking down - on a basket it helped push on one side
"ya was supposed to help me push not pull"
• one tumbled on it's side from the sudden push
*giggles* "that was fun, lets do it again!"
• one more hungwy Zouru just nibbling away at apples inside the basket
*nom nom - tossing some out* "not this one.. or this one... this apple look tasty.... "
my main idea for art:
Firox, myself, bought three basket full of apples to make apple pies and other tasty apple desserts, but I left them outside for a few minutes just to clean up kitchen, at that moment ! found them and invited some Zorua kits to enjoy some, as you can see, some where more interested in playing than eating