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ASSAULT!!: Han Solo VS Falco Lombardi! (Star Wars VS Star Fox) | ASSAULT!!

by DopeLeafeon470

DopeLeafeon470 The smug pilots duel in this episode of ASSAULT!!

A smug character is always a likeable one. Unless you put them in a spaceship.

...then they’re even MORE likeable!




He’s DopeLeafeon and I’m Rotom!

And we’ve set up traps and weapons across the arena...but who will win the Assault?


A long time ago, in a galaxy, far, far away…

The galaxy was at war. The balanced and well-rounded Jedi versus the unstable and aggressive Sith.

Han Solo was born, but instantly orphaned after. So, in order to stay ahead of the other orphans, Han devoted his life to crime.

Due to Han’s mastery of the arts of escaping, Han grew up to get a career in illegal smuggling.

And one day, he met one of the biggest gamblers in the galaxy, Lando Calrissian.

One day, Han got a pair of gold dice and bet the next roll on Lando’s YT-1300 light freighter, the Millennium Falcon.


No, Falcons don’t howl.

Right. Sorry. Just thought it fit…

Solo met an imprisoned Wookiee named Chewbacca, who he saved and they became BFFs.

Han: Whoa there. I don’t use the term “BFFs”.

Oh, hello Han! Glad you could join us.

Han: I guess I can fit in time to tell you all about myself.

Hmm...I don’t trust him.

Han: I don’t blame you, you’re not supposed to.

Uh, anyway, Han’s main weapon is a DL-44 Blaster Pistol, which has different attachments that can change its performance.

Such as a powerful charged shot, and a barrage of hits like a machine gun.

And all in one pistol.

Han: Yep, ol’ DL-44’s got it all. She’s taken down Stormtroopers in a single hit, hurt TIE Fighters, and even Darth Vader...not really, though.

Like we said, Han’s a professional escape artist, and can avoid any attack from anyone. Even when a certain bounty hunter is holding a gun up to his face, he’ll find a way to stay alive.

He always does.

Solo’s been locked in carbonite and didn’t go insane (unlike most people), gathered the intel of the Empire, competed in the Five Sabers racing championship, successfully escaped from a bunch of Rathtars (who are the octopus godzillas of Star Wars), and disabled the shields of Starkiller base, a space station at least four times bigger than the Death Star.

Not to mention he disabled the shields of the second one.

But with all this awesomeness comes great responsibility.

Han: What’re you talkin’ about? Han Solo has no weaknesses!

Yeah, except you let yourself die to your son.

Han: That’s one thing.

AND you’re kinda selfish, greedy, and kind of a bitch.

Han: ...yeah…

But overall, don’t team with Han, he always goes Solo.

Han: Never tell me the odds!


There was a race of anthropomorphic falcons known as the Avians.

Then, all the anthropomorphic animals banded together to create the Corneria, a giant spaceship that’s the hideout of an organization of the same name.

Two Avians gave birth to a baby on that ship, and they named this Avian...Falco.

Falco Lombardi enlisted in the Cornerian Flight Academy, but soon dropped out and became a rogue pilot and led his own pilot team.

It was cool, until he was invited to join a space police squadron known as Star Fox.

Falco accepted the offer, and became friends with the team’s leader, Fox.

Total fluke. Anyway, Falco’s doing his best when he’s in his ship, the Arwing.

The Arwing can shoot tens of bullets without overheating, shoot homing rockets, do a reflective barrel roll, and can do complex evasive maneuvers.

But Falco can do much more outside the cockpit. He can use a reflector to reflect projectiles, use a stun gun, shoot through the air with fire covering him, and move somewhere so fast, that if you blinked while he was doing it, he’d already be done.

A rather not accurate explanation of the move, but it works.

But when things get desperate for the bird, he can transform his Arwing into a giant mech, or summon upon, dare I say it, the LANDMASTER!

Falco’s taken out multiple ships on his own, trash-talked to Star Wolf without thinking about the result, and took out Captain Shears...by himself. I think.

Buuuut Falco can get a bit cocky. He only likes to do things by himself, and doesn’t typically do his best around others. Plus, he doesn’t care about what he does, as long as he does it all cool-like.

Which could also be a good thing?

Falco Lombardi is not a lovebird. He’s not a team player. He’s not exactly a nice guy. But he’s cool, and that’s what gets the audience to love him.

Falco: I’ll take the skies any day.


“Alright team, headcount!” said Fox. “Peppy here! Reporting for duty!” said Peppy. “Don’t forget me!” said Slippy. “This is Falco, standing by,” said Falco. “Okay, team, our next mission is on Venom. Our confrontation to Andross starts now,” said Fox. “Come back in one piece, Star Fox!” said the commander. “That won’t be a problem, commander,” said Fox.

One battle later…

“I’ll go it alone from here,” said Fox.

Fox dove into a dark cave to confront Andross. “Uh, guys? My scanners are picking up a ship moving at astounding speeds!” said Slippy. “Well, we’ve got nothing better to do. Peppy, Slippy, guard the manhole. I’ll see what’s up,” Falco’s ship flew upwards. “Very well. Good luck, Falco!” said Peppy. Falcon moved out of the planet and into space. Suddenly, a huge ship appeared as if out of nowhere. “I don’t recognize these ships, we must be in the wrong place,” said Leia. “Uh, excuse me?” a picture of Falco appeared on the Falcon. “Yep. Definitely in the wrong place,” said Luke. “Rawwwwwr!” Chewie said in response. “I see you have a big furry...thing on your ship there,” said Falco. “‘Ey! No one calls this big guy a ‘thing’!” said Luke. “Punch it, Chewie!” yelled Han, as Luke hopped into the bottom, both Luke and Han opened fire on the small ship. “Fine then. Don’t expect this to be easy though,” said Falco, as he moved around, dodging the bullets.

Triumph or die!

Falco did a barrel roll.


(Corneria - Star Fox Zero)

Falco shot a bunch of bullets at the Falcon without breaking a sweat. Then he saw a little pod at the bottom of it. “Nothing Falco Lombardi can’t handle,” he pressed a few buttons on his dashboard, and started shooting at the pod. “Ah! Han, I’m taking heavy fire!” yelled Luke. “Hang on, I’ve got ‘im in my sights!” Han yelled back, as his tracker beeped. Then the Falcon opened fire, but Falco did another barrel roll to reflect the damage, and quickly dashed behind the Falcon and start shooting at it. “Chewie, fix that thing up!” said Han, but by the time Chewie got there, the pod was open and sucking in air. Luke, Leia, and Chewie were all sucked out of the ship, but luckily, Han pressed a LOT of buttons to fix the problem and close the hole. “Alright, that’s enough of that, get over here!” Han looped and started firing at Falco’s Arwing again. The two constantly tried to outwit each other, until finally, Han got a good shot on Falco’s engine. “Augh! Dang it!” Falco tried to lead the ship towards Venom, as he put his gas mask on. Han carefully landed hs ship on the same planet, and did the same thing. “Alright, Big Bird, come be a man!” he shouted. Then he saw a falcon leap out of the ground, and opened fire on Han. Han quickly pulled out his gun and shot right at him. Then Falco got in close and started punching Han. Han blocked a few hits, but then Falco got a lot of good hits. Han was knocked back when Falco finished the combo, but then he attached something to his gun, and charged up a powerful blow. Falco quickly shot to repel it, but the charged shot overpowered his, and Falco was hit. Han ran in with a shoulder charge and started punching the crap out of Falco, then an imaginary DING DING! Was heard as Han finished the last punch. Then, while Falco was vulnerable, Han grabbed his gun, shot it with his own, and tossed it away. “Humph. You don’t like to play fair, do you?” Falco crossed his arms, but as soon as Han went in for another punch, Falco flashed to the other side, then back, and charged up a Firebird. “FIRE!” he yelled. Han was blown away, and was on fire. His gas mask was off, too. Falco charged up one last shot, and blew Han’s head off. “Scratch one bogey,” Falco spun around his gun and put it back in his holster.


This is Rotom. Returning to base!

Both fighters are master pilots, but in the air, Han barely outmatches Falco in speed, durability, and maybe even intellect.

But Han has the limitations of a human, so Falco definitely outmatches Han on foot, due to Falco’s tech that he always carries with him.

Plus, in real life, a falcon can easily outspeed a human. In fact, they’re 172 miles per hour faster than them!

But if we’re talking this guy, it’s the same situation. During Falco’s Illusion, Falco can move the speed of a bullet to cut through structures.

Without the delay of a hit, this means Falco Illusion can move at 2,400 feet per second, or 1,704 miles per hour, while using this move.

But Han wasn’t a problem for Falco, because he’s fought much worse.

We can compare these two fighters in the air because Han’s fought armies of ships, yes. But Falco’s done it with less people. Han requires a whole army for him to stay alive, while Falco only needs 3.

Falco didn’t even need to spam Illusion for this fight, because Han was 2ez4u.

The winner is Falco Lombardi.


In a boy’s universe, there’s always a deadly woman.
Of course, this rarely ever happens…
But it’s nice to have one in there anyway.
It’s a battle of the badass women!
Freeze Tag:
Mechanist Gamma likes this.
  1. DopeLeafeon470
    Frick, I dun goofed.

    The Corneria is NOT the name of the ship. The ship's name is the Great Fox, Corneria is the name of the people who built it.

    @Fraseandchico Yeah, I dun goofed on that one.
    Jan 1, 2018
  2. Fraseandchico
    Welp, Captain Plasma is dead.

    Also, I didn't agree with your last battle.
    but I do agree with this one.
    Jan 1, 2018
  3. Mewtwofan259
    What is it with you and Star Wars? You're gonna have 2 in a row. :p
    (Could call bullshit on a few things, but I'm too lazy.)
    Dec 24, 2017