Who would win?: *Halloween Special* Gengar VS Mimikyu (Part 1)

by BlazinDelphox

BlazinDelphox Happy Halloween! Get ready for scares and Ghost Types.
No one is in the studio and you are considering watching something else when a Mimikyu comes out from under a chair.
Mimikyu: Hi.
Jesse walks in.

Mimikyu: Don't make me call Jim.
Jesse: Did you say "Jim"? Okay you can stay.

Then a Primeape comes in and you wonder what other "special guests" are coming in.
Jesse: Uh oh. *Jumps onto the chandelier while screaming "IT'S JIM!!!"*
Then you realize the fluffy throw pillow on the couch was Boom as she wakes up.
BoOm: WAtS gOiN oN?
Jesse (From the chandelier): JIM'S HERE!
BoOm: Wy DaT bAd?
Jesse: I owe him money. That and fighting is effective on me.
BoOm: DaT iS BaD, tElL hIm U sOrRy
Jesse: If I get down he'll turn me into a pretzel and take my charm.
BoOm: DaT aLsO BaD cAn I hElp?
Jesse: He'll shear you like a Mareep but you can try.
BoOm: HoW mUcH iS iT?
Jim: 500,000 POKEBUCKS, NOW!!!
BoOm: Do We HaVe Dat?
Jesse: No. Tell you what, Jim. I was going to have Gengar fight a Dusknoir but the Dusknoir got sick. How about if the Mimikyu over there can beat our Gengar, you help your self to whatever. If Gengar wins you get out and STAY OUT!
Mimikyu: I have a name.
BoOm: WiLl We Be AbLe To MaKe DiS iF wE LoSe?

Jesse: Nope. So we better win.
Jesse: Yes.
Jim and Mimikyu leave to get ready.
Jesse: We're dead. Unless Victini shows up.
Jesse: Nope, no Victini. We are genuinely screwed.
BoOm: BuT IsN't PoIsOn eFeCtIvE oN fAiRy?
Jesse: It is. We're saved!
BoOm: TeY iZ ReDy
Jesse: And so are we.
Will Gengar win? Or will they lose and get beat up and lose all their money to Jim? Find out tomorrow!