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Halloween Cubone Costume

by KittehKatPoodums

Halloween Cubone Costume JPG.jpg
KittehKatPoodums I drew my friend as a pokemon in a little costume! (The costume is Giritina by the way)
Gamingfan, ThAtGuY101 and Willow Tree like this.
  1. KittehKatPoodums
    Thank you, this took awhile to make, and I basically spent 5-7 hours straight drawing both this picture and the mimikyu. My wrist is in pain though since I went a little overboard...
    Oct 4, 2020
    Gamingfan and ThAtGuY101 like this.
  2. Gamingfan
    Candy won't bring your mom back.

    I'm sorry.
    Oct 4, 2020
    ThAtGuY101 and KittehKatPoodums like this.
  3. ThAtGuY101
    Protect the baby! and help him get a full bag of candy! A full bag of that good candy! None of that candy corn or dental floss. well maybe a little dental floss cause that candy is bad for your teeth. Yet none of it shall toucheth the Halloween bucket!

    Nice picture btw...
    Oct 4, 2020
    Gamingfan and KittehKatPoodums like this.