by vaultie

vaultie you already know whats up
ok i REALLY need to write these down somewhere thats not my status bar with a 140-something character limit so this is basically just me screaming into the Internet Void about my most favorite bug boy?? you dont have to agree with all of these theyre just my own personal views and how i like to see Guzma

-Let me start of by saying this boy is MASSIVE. he's def somewhere around 6'5".
-He's got muscle. not an athletic build, but a strong, solid body. broad shoulders, sturdy chest, big arms, all that kinda stuff.
-Has just the littlest bit of soft tummy fat.
-I personally pin him at 23? Old enough that he can't be a Trial Captain anymore, but just young enough that adults like Lusamine and Hala still consider him "a kid".
-Definitely has a sweet tooth. if his love of Tapu Cocoa was anything to go by, he adores chocolate. also a pretty big fan of cake.
-Even though hes 100% Bug Boy, he's also pretty fond of Poison and Dark types.
-Actually did end up finishing his Island Challenge, but was turned down as a Trial Captain.
-Poor boy has a ton of self esteem issues. After being denied a spot as a Trial Captain, it finally got to him and he ran away to start up the rejuvenated Team Skull.
-Decided to embrace the fact he wasn't able to be good enough, turning into a big rebellious punk.
-Took his Island Challenge with Molyane and and Kukui, being the youngest of the group.
-Also knows Kahili since she was doing her trials at the same time as the boys, but he absolutely loathes her.
-Molyane introduced him to Plumeria and the two hit it off almost instantly.
-After making the choice to start up Team Skull again, Plumeria saw eye to eye with him and supported his decision bc she has her own issues with Alolan Traditions, specifically the Tapus.
-USUM cleared up some things about his relationship with his father, but I def still believe there was tension between the two of them.
-While things usually wouldn't escalate to physical violence, Guzma and his dad still had plenty of arguments. they disagreed over a ton of stuff and Guzma's choice to be too ambitious with the Island Challenge instead of staying with a safer career he could fall back on (like golf).
-Because of both his dad pressuring him and Kahili succeeding instead of him, he HATES golf.
-Very very touched starved.
-Secretly a massive cuddler. Loves being the big spoon.
-Had a crush on Plumeria when they were younger, but dropped it after learning she likes girls. The two of them now have more of a brother/sister or best friend kind of relationship.
-V i r g i n. He doesn't consider any of the grunts options, mainly because it'd just be too awkward. Also the fact that about 80% of them are still only 16 or 17.
-Maybe bi??? Def knows he likes girls. Knows a good-looking guy when he sees one, but can't see him being with one long-term.
-Really awkward relationship with Lusamine. Whether he liked her as a mother figure, an actual crush, or just enjoyed the highs from the praise she gave him, after the events of the main story and RR, he tries to stay away from her once he realized he was being used.
-Still cares about Lillie and Gladion, though, and does have his regrets about putting them through whatever hell he contributed to.
-Did I mention he loves bugs
-Will 100% let wild bugs hole up and nest in the Shady House. under his bed is a popular place for Wimpods to hide.
-Even though USUM replaced his Ariados with a Vikavolt, id like to think thats just because of game mechanics and how teams of 6 are usually reserved for E4/Champions/Rivals. he keeps Ariados, and his 6th member is the Vikavolt.
BooBerry, LizzyDraco, SageNeb and 8 others like this.
  1. Eeveefun
    Feb 18, 2018
  2. Eis
    Guzma is a sweet boy and it warms my heart to see him get the love he needs.
    Feb 9, 2018