~((Gladiator Island))~ ((Chapter 2))

by monkeyboy62608

So now we continue the story so let's do a recap, so king spar died and bastion kia and big bob broke out of the arena so let's continue…?

So bastion kia and big bob broke out of the arena and now they have to escape the city guards, bastion carried big bob on his back cause big bob was hurt, so they made it to the first guard and kia jumped on the wall and slashed the guard died, bastion chopped the other and picked big bob back up and then they ran and hid from the other 10 guards coming their way, so they ran and ran and ran and ran then they fell threw a well and learned how to tame wild animals to ride and use as pets, bastion set off to get his first so kia and big bob stayed in their cave while bastion went to get an animal. Bastion found many animals but did not find a tree, he found nectar so he brought it back and he drank some and summoned a hyena and kia summoned a hawk and big bob summoned a rhino that was very obvious and they rid there animals to battle accept kia and bastion, then they arrived at the prison arena place then they told their animals to charge big bob bashed the guards swinging his mace, bastion killed chopped and slashed the guards then over 100 came out they retreated, they ran into the woods there animal died but then what happened really shocked all 3 of them the island broke off the rest of the island and they had lost everything there weapons there stuff there amour it was difficult to survive there….. 3 months passed and the 3 were still on the island surviving and living they had food water and wooden spears but bastion was in charge of getting wood with his axe, they had survived for 3 months with out any body or boats coming to save them so they survived but one day they ran out of food and a storm brewed in the distance coming straight for them they built a hut made of bamboo wood string and bear fur all the animals had left into caves and holes and burrows so they sat in there hut and waited out the storm when they woke up in the morning, the beach was a mess it had kelp everywhere and dead fish on the beach lines they cleaned up and then they saved up the fish and kelp and made the kelp into plants for their hut then they hunted and killed a bear 2 wolves a bunny and a snake they made clothes better clothes than wooden clothes bastion got the bear skin cloth big bob got the rabbit hat and snake tail and kia got the wolf pelt….. 3 more months passed and they got worried on how long they were to survive in the wild and on the island they needed to make a boat so they got wood got rope made a boat and sailed off they took the food and water with them and then sharks wanted the food but left them alone for the most part the 3 sailed for about 3 days then hitting the shore of the beach then they were arrested by the guards of the arena and were put back in the arena big bob kia and bastion were a gladiator team in the arena fought others together then 1 day bastion got hurt bad was stabbed in the arm but earned bandages but used them losing them after this…? 1 month has passed since they were arrested and they made a new plane to get out of the arena they would get all the prisoner’s to fight with them and they did accept jake he hated bastion big bob and kia…… 3 more months passed and bastion big bob and kia had gotten most of the prisoners on their side, but the guards started to figure out their plan so they had to strike tonight Jake had left the gang but maybe about 50 prisoners had joined them they striked that night and got out barely most prisoners died accept 1 a man named John the 4 ran in the woods and went into their cave again…… another month passed and they were alive with food water plants pets and weapons……. To be continued
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