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Ginga Region Pokedex: Ginga Fakémon Batch 5

by Mockingchu

Mockingchu I'm going to be honest: these guys are filler.

Apocahorse (Dark)

Pixora (Fairy)

Toxaquil (Poison)

Discorpo (Dragon/Steel)

Lumielle [rip-off of Beauty and the Beast] (Ghost)

Rocketurbo (Steel/Fire)

Now I will wait to post the three mascot legendaries for a while.
T.C., Skippidypowpow, Keleri and 4 others like this.
  1. Mockingchu
    Even though I said they're filler, I like Discorpo and Pixora for some reason. But Apocahorse looks like it's farting. That's supposed to be smoke...
    And Rocketurbo? We don't talk about that guy. I figured that since every real Pokemon region has a stupid inanimate Pokemon, why shouldn't Ginga? Lumielle is derpy, but still better than Rocketurbo!
    (Also, GSPI stands for Ginga Space Program International)
    Jun 20, 2017