Gift Art Batch 1

by vaultie

vaultie (ง ͠ ͠° ل͜ °)ง me???? drawing surprise gift art for people i like rping with???? its more likely than you think

these characters are NOT mine, they belong to @Ninian and @Pretty Pichu respectively. only the art belongs to me. but if either of the people mentioned feel like cropping and using them for anything, feel free! just remember to give credit

(kinda took some artistic liberties here i hope i didnt botch your ocs up too much)
  1. Peachy Ace
    Peachy Ace
    I actually didn't know you were a Roleplayer, but they look great~
    Mar 30, 2018
    Pretty Pichu, Ninian and SoulDemon like this.
  2. Ninian
    I'm still here actually hyperventilating. Thank you so much. One of my friends was like, "I just now realized that Seven looks like Lillie." And I'm all, "That's the joke. Wicke did her hair and gave her clothing after the incident."
    Mar 28, 2018
  3. Merciless Medic
    Merciless Medic
    I LOVE IT SO MUCH!!! YOU DID SO FRIGGIN' WELL!! Thank you so much! You have no idea how much this means to me :D Now, just 6 more of my OCs XD LOL Just kidding XD But thank you so much!!
    Mar 28, 2018
  4. Ninian
    AHHHHHHH OMG I LOVE YOU ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

    Totally updating my pic when I get off work.
    Mar 28, 2018