Gaiien Region: Genius Billionaire Playbull Philanthropist: Mega Oxhaust

by Keleri

mega oxhaust dex.png
Keleri #006M+ - Mega Oxhaust
Furnace Pokémon
Base Stats: (80/125/85/105/110/125) 630
Ability: Filter
It trades its weight and bulk for speed and the ability to fly. However, it is prone to consuming its fuel quickly and being left on the ground.

The (+) mega form for Oxhaust. In the Gods and Demons world, pokemon are closer to elemental spirits with animal forms than animals with elemental powers, and their life cycles involve building up energy to make themselves more powerful. One way they pursue this is by journeying with a human trainer and battling, which nets them experience and power, and they’re able to become still more powerful if they can achieve a good connection with a human being. The mega stone and mega focus (keystone) can amplify this connection and allow mega evolution. However, the connection goes both ways and some humans and pokemon find it undesirable or overwhelming.