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Gengar sketch

by Captain Pokémon

Captain Pokémon Nothing special, just something I made because I was bored. Try to avoid judging it, this is my first drawing attempt in a while.
Gamingfan, DarkHydraT and Willow Tree like this.
  1. Gamingfan
    This looks like either a hug or a dropkick.
    Both sound equally deadly.
    Apr 30, 2021
    Captain Pokémon likes this.
  2. Captain Pokémon
    Captain Pokémon
    Da spooky grape
    Apr 30, 2021
    Gamingfan likes this.
  3. DarkHydraT
    It da grape
    Apr 30, 2021
    Gamingfan and Captain Pokémon like this.