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Gen 8 Evolutions for Starters!

by kizomu

kizomu Leadog dex entrie: A dog that is part of Leittydog and hunts for 4-leafed clovers by searching in grass and it knows when it gets hit by a Fire type move and also it rivals with Leakitty.
Evolves from: Leittydog
How to evolve: Level 19 when you have Dog/Puppy Pokemon in your Team

Leakitty dex entrie: A cute kitty that is beloved by all Cat-Lovers and it cries when its Trainer is gone and rivals with Leadog.
Evolves from: Leittydog
How to evolve: Level 19 when you have Cat/Kitty Pokemon in your Team.

Ninflamecat dex entrie: This Pokemon is sneaky! just like a Ninja but a Cat if you take its mask off it will burn you.
Evolves from: Flamemeow
How to evolve: Level 19

Mystichusk dex entrie: Its beautiful than Gardevoir and Lopunny and soaks the foe when its in battle and makes a wish to heal your Pokemon and its helpful too!
Evolves from: Wisthusky
How to evolve: Level 19

Thats all i did only middle stage maybe i will make full stage of them soon

I love making shinies cuz their are beautiful!

what should i do next?
~Rinko~ and T.C. like this.
  1. kizomu
    By shinies or by normals?
    May 13, 2018
    PrincessPika likes this.
  2. T.C.
    It’s hard to tell who is who.
    May 13, 2018
    NinjaCat12 likes this.