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Ganondorf/Ganon (800-Years before Phoenix Warriors

by Champion Knight

Champion Knight Note: This character has a sad and violent backstory. If that is too much for you, please don’t read this.
When Ganondorf was born, was different from the other Hylians. He was the first born Gerudo at the time. But they thought he was too weird and threw in a desert to suffer. But when he reached adulthood, he made it out of the desert and got the Triforce of Power. Realizing that he could become a threat, the Seven Sages attempted to kill with a sword of pure light. However, he survived his death all thanks to the Triforce of Power. He took the light sword and killed the sages one by one

After, he built a castle in a evil region called the Darklands. With his god-like power he set to rule the world. During his final fight with the Hero of Twilight (Link’s Great, Great, Great grandfather) he was stabbed in the chest with the only blade that could kill him: The Master Sword.

Although he was killed, he would be resurrected again by the wizard Yuga. Yuga used the new Seven Sages to resurrect him. But Yuga made the mistake of fusing himself with Ganon to make Yuga Ganon. The Hero of Hyrule then killed Ganon, but since Yuga was fused with him, he died too.

Ganondorf was resurrected again by Ghirahim, a Demon Lord and Ganondorf’s former soldier. Two brave knights Cayu and Yuko Ordono tried to kill him, but Yuko was killed by the Evil King. Cayu then decided to care for Yuko’s son: Linken.

10 years later, Ganondorf then planned an assasination on Princess Zelda IV, knowing that she would soon realize her true power. However, he was stopped by his soon to be archenemy, A 13 year-old Linken Ordono. The Next Hero of Hyrule.
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