From Our Eyes: From Our Eyes: Misty Part 2

by Fishykarp

Fishykarp Character requested by @Fraseandchico. Sorry if i didn't get him 100% the way you wanted
I wait inside my Gym for my next challenger, I don’t have to wait long, as another excitable trainer bursts into the room, luckily, this one does not fall straight into the pool.
“Misty! I challenge you!” the boy shouts, holding a Pokeball in his hand. “Go Dunsparce!!”
A Dunsparce appears in the middle of the gym, prepared to fight.
“A Dunsparce” I say, deadpan
I notice a badge on his jacket “The Boulder Badge” I say “You beat Brock”

The boy nods “yep” he smirks “hope you’ll be more of a challenge”
I shake my head “alright… this’ll be a two verses two battle, my Staryu and Starmie against two of your Pokemon. Let us begin”
“Dunsparce! Use Body Slam!” the boy shouts, and Dunsparce flies away towards Staryu, who simply dodges and allows the Dunsparce to fall into the pool.

The Dunsparce turns back towards Staryu curls into a ball, preparing to roll
“I see only one problem with your plan” I smile, as Dunsparce’s spinning kicks up a whole lot of water which all flies into the boy
“AHHHHH” the boy shouts again “COLD!”
I laugh “Staryu, use Tackle”
“DUNSPARCE QUICK USE DRILL RUN!” the boy shouts yet again, and the momentum from all the attempted rollouts springs up at once, sending Dunsparce flying towards Staryu. I raise one eyebrow Staryu is sent flying, effectively knocking him out.
Of course, at the same time, Dunsparce is sent back into the water, and the boy is once again drenched.

“Last Pokemon Each” I say “you’ve gotten this far, but no further!”
I throw Starmie’s Pokeball, and it comes out just as the boy sends out his second Pokemon, Bulbasaur.
“Type Advantages” I sigh under my breath “of course”
“Tackle!” the boy calls out, and Starmie retaliates with Rapid Spin, both are knocked to opposite sides of the pool
“Vine Whip!” the boy shouts and the Bulbasaur’s vines begin speeding towards Starmie.
“Swift!” I retaliate and Starmie begins spinning, golden stars meeting the vines and knocking them away. “Now Bubblebeam!”
The stream of bubbles all hit Bulbasaur, but they do not damage it that much.
“Tackle!” the boy orders and Bulbasaur leaps towards Starmie, but is unable to reach it as Starmie lets loose another barrage of Swift.

“Rapid Spin!” I shout, and Bulbasaur is sent flying backwards “Now Swift!”
It seems that the boy has been defeated, but when the stars disperse, Bulbasaur isn’t there.
I hear Bulbasaur’s cry and two vines appear seemingly out of nowhere, hitting Starmie from behind, and Bulbasaur emerges from the pool.
Starmie turns to attack Bulbasaur, but suddenly collapses backwards. It’s at that moment that I notice a single sprout growing on Starmie’s forehead. Leech Seed

“How?” I ask the boy “When?”
“When Bulbasaur first tackled Starmie” the boy smirked “and it seems I win again”
I sigh “alright…” I say “You have defeated me in battle and I shall now award you, the Cascade Badge”

"YES!" the boy shouts as he runs off with the badge, subsequently tripping and falling into the pool
BlazinDelphox and Fraseandchico like this.
  1. BlazinDelphox
    Mind if I submit my OC for this? I don't care which gym you have her fight.
    Name: Azira, looks about 15
    (My sister wants her unnamed OC to show up)
    Sister: Black-haired girl around 13 years old holding a shiny Umbreon
    Personality: Kinda like Misty but more arrogant. Also loves fire types and doesn't care about the downsides of a mono-type team. Might be able to understand Blaze.
    Blaze's Personality: Blaze is her Delphox. Blaze is seldom in the Pokeball. She is a little irritating and loves to bother Azira.
    Pokémon: Delphox (Or Charmeleon if necessary) Flareon and if three are allowed a Vulpix
    Things I want to see: "Shut up Blaze; Look if you win I'll get you a Pokepuff, alright?"
    Yes it's long.
    Jul 3, 2017
  2. Skippidypowpow
    When you do Lt. Surge, I want to have a character in it. He's a very smart person, but very outgoing and confident. He knows Type advantages and disadvantages rather well. He has a Cubone, Growlithe, Wartortle and Eevee at that point but he doesn't use Growlithe assuming it's a three-on-three fight.
    Jun 24, 2017
    Mr Fishykarp likes this.
  3. Fraseandchico
    NICE! Like It!
    Jun 11, 2017
    Mr Fishykarp likes this.