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by Cyren

Cyren the imaginative definition of procrastination
A few years ago,
There was a river,
It thrived,
And provided life,
But then someone decided to stop it,

They created a small dam,
The river ran dry,
Everything died,
A town started,
And a lake was formed.

But the lake grew,
And became rather large,
So the townsfolk fortified the dam,
They made it bigger,
The town was safe.

The lake grew again,
The town became a city,
the city created a larger,
stronger dam just beyond it,
That contained the climbing water,
The town was safe,

The lake grew once more,
The lake will surely overflow,
The town realized their mistake,
A large crack appeared on the dam,
The town went into panic,

More cracks break out,
Creating a small waterfall on the dam,
It burst,
Water coming out like a typhoon,
Destroyed everything and everyone beyond it,
All that was left was ruin.

Years past,
People forgot,
Life grew back,
Cement chunks everywhere,
Trees fully grown again,
Ruins of the broken dam structure still remain,
To be doomed forever as the forgotten graveyard.
  1. Retr.0
    Nature does restart itself if needed
    Sep 14, 2016
  2. Belladonna Valkyrie
    Belladonna Valkyrie
    Not at first but now that you mention it yes, yes it is.
    Jan 22, 2016
    Art3mis likes this.
  3. Cyren
    was that a pun?
    Jan 22, 2016
    Emerelda likes this.
  4. Belladonna Valkyrie
    Belladonna Valkyrie
    Deep, I like it.
    Jan 22, 2016
    Art3mis likes this.