Final Genocide: Final Genocide Page 7/8

by N E G A N

Page7.jpg Page8.jpg
N E G A N Yeah, that's right. I just released two pages on the same night. Double trouble, you know?
While I do occasionally get feedback in the comments, I honestly would really enjoy if that were to be more of a common occurrence. I like to accept feedback, positive or negative. It helps me grow as an artist.
@Eeveechu151 @Ignorer @Comic @Shimmering @CosmicArt @Cloudswift @Mecha Who @YamiVolcarona @parisbuffet @TooBlue12 @Riverrunner @Shofu a307 @ManateeMike @PokemonAreCool @GreninjaTrainer013 @PedriOzzy arts @Frisk_The_Human @Blue the Ralts
  1. Chia
    FRISK LOOKS TERRIFYING but I love this
    Oct 22, 2017
    Dave Strider likes this.
  2. comic
    Well, I mean, you are getting better. I'm excited to see what you come up with next.
    Oct 21, 2017
    Dave Strider likes this.
  3. N E G A N
    N E G A N
    Lol, yeah, I noticed that when I was doing it, and wasn't very pleased with it, but it was too late to change it.
    Oct 20, 2017
  4. Cloudswift
    Okay then... In that first panel, something that caught my attention was Frisk's face. I just felt like it looked a little off. Not that I could do any better though, XD
    Oct 20, 2017
    Dave Strider likes this.