Fiction Roleplay: Fiction Roleplay : Lucario from Lucario and the Mystery of Mew

by Ariados twice

  1. MothZ
    I must say I like the line-art, pose, and style of this drawing, however the coloring is all over the place, if you were to lightly color and move your coloring pencil (or whatever you use to color.) in the same direction instead of all over the place, it would look much neater. Other then that, I think this looks very cool, good job!
    Jan 28, 2019
    Excalibur Queen likes this.
  2. Godjacob
    Impressive ^^
    Jan 26, 2019
    Excalibur Queen likes this.
  3. Vacat1o
    Very nice.
    Jan 26, 2019
    Excalibur Queen and PrincessPika like this.