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Dice: Favoirte Dice

by TooBlue12

TooBlue12 So yes the title is accurate. I love all my dice but these are my FAVORITES. I love them all to death. Even if they will be the death of me.....It'd be nice to roll above a 10 when I need it....

So the first set in the left corner was my first set ever. Oh sweet little innocent me had no idea how many more she would buy with time. I picked them because I've always liked blue but I liked the mixed of black with it. Fit me pretty well.

Than right below them is one of my newer sets. If the purple ones from the previous group didn't make me think of magic enough these ones do. I just love how they look. I got them from Etsy from DiceCritters

Top right is another set I adore. Yes they ALSO look magical, but specifically, it makes me think of fairies or Fae. Whimsical light magic. I actually got them on a whim and didn't realize how GORGEOUS they were till I got home.

Below them is my other metal set. It was the first metal set I got. I like how cool they look. That nice teal blue with the silver is just so nice. It'll be hard to find another metal set that I like better.

And below them is the flower set I got also from Etsy. They have actual blue flowers inside of them. There are a LOT of dice like this on Etsy but this was the first one with flowers I have decided to splurge on and won't regret because now I have blue flower dice. I got them from ViridianGaming

And that's it. For now.
  1. TooBlue12
    Aug 21, 2021
    ~Rinko~ likes this.
  2. ~Rinko~
    Oh my gosh... a galaxy set and a blue flower set, I don't know which I like more...!~
    Aug 21, 2021
    TooBlue12 likes this.
  3. TooBlue12
    @Midnight Heart :D I knew you'd like those ones since you liked my other set of purple and blue.
    Aug 20, 2021
    ~Rinko~ and Midnight Heart like this.
  4. Midnight Heart
    Midnight Heart
    I absolutely LOVE those purple/blue ones, they look so pretty! :love: Definitely reminds me of magic or something, also reminds me of a galaxy too :p
    Aug 20, 2021
    ~Rinko~, ThAtGuY101 and TooBlue12 like this.