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FAKEMON: Cumuloud and Nimbustorm

by Kaleb Advent

Cumuloud and Nimbustorm.png
Kaleb Advent I actually did something! Hooray!

At any rate, in my spare time I like to come up with Fakemon. I have quite a few, but this one had a simple enough design that even I could draw it!

These are Cumuloud and Nimbustorm! The picture should provide the rest of the info you need.

What do you think?
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  1. Kaleb Advent
    Kaleb Advent
    @DManArt&RP While that's an interesting suggestion, I don't think its place is here. Having just two forms doesn't feel like it would be enough. That, and I have another Fakemon with multiple final evo forms.

    Besides, Cumuloud IS the Raincloud Pokemon.
    Jul 6, 2018
  2. DManArt&RP
    Its cool, but, I have some thoughts. It should be like Eevee and when its in the first form there its a flying type but if you use a water stone it becomes a rain cloud then if you give the rain cloud a thunder stone it becomes a thunder cloud. But either way, it looks great!
    Jul 6, 2018