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My Pokemon Academia: Eri

by Butterflygon

Eri copy.png
  1. AlolanChampTravis
    @Butterflygon You're extremely welcome! Also, I'd love to see that as well! ;> (And best of luck with all that)
    Oct 13, 2021
    Butterflygon likes this.
  2. Butterflygon
    @AlolanChampTravis Haha XD Thanks!

    @Red Gallade I'm probably gonna draw that out eventually, actually! Right now I need to work on the Halloween picture, though.
    Oct 13, 2021
  3. AlolanChampTravis
    "Oh? It's a Shadow Pokemon?!"

    (Lol all jokes aside) 10/10!!!
    Oct 13, 2021
    Butterflygon likes this.
  4. Red Gallade
    Red Gallade
    Now I wanna see the moment where Eri's with Mirio at the concert and finally smiles.
    Oct 13, 2021
  5. Butterflygon
    @Popplio I'm actually sketching out another drawing featuring CelebEri happy precisely because it felt awful to draw her like this, haha

    (ohmygosh of course! I'm so flattered that someone wants to draw fanart of this silly self-indulgent project of mine :O)
    Oct 7, 2021
    ~Rinko~, Midnight Heart and Popplio like this.
  6. Popplio
    ohhhh :-( poor eri... celebi matches her so well though aaa

    (would you be okay with fanart for this au? :o)
    Oct 7, 2021
    Midnight Heart and Butterflygon like this.
  7. Shikowara
    Oct 7, 2021
  8. Butterflygon
    @Midnight Heart GOOD, SHE REALLY NEEDS IT

    Haha, thanks! Eri was certainly one of the hardest characters to Pokemonify, but then I figured that hey, her power is kinda sorta time based, and there's only two Pokemon that really have time powers (Dialga and Celebi), and of those it's very obvious which one would fit a small child better.

    Also, to be fair, it's not like I haven't been leaning on the "popular Pokemon" trope myself, as protagonist Midoriya is an Eevee while the past One For All users are Eeveelutions, and Iida is a Lucario. Granted, I do have more reasons than just "this is a Pokemon I like" for having made those characters the Pokemon I chose for them, but I'm not going to sit here and tell you that bias wasn't involved in those decisions (I mean, just looking at this AU alone you can easily guess which Eeveelution is my favorite :p). I do love the Eevee family afer all, so I also love that MHA gave me the perfect excuse to use all of them in a way that feels completely natural XD
    Oct 6, 2021
  9. Midnight Heart
    Midnight Heart

    I've never thought much about what kind of Pokemon Eri would be either, but Celebi works perfectly for her! :D Your choices as to what Pokemon certain characters would be is interesting and definitely unique, plus they all work so well! Most people would just make everyone an Eeveelution, or choose the most obvious popular Pokemon for them.
    Oct 6, 2021
    Willow Tree, ~Rinko~ and Butterflygon like this.