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Eeveelution of Blood

by MapleHayato

MapleHayato Once there was a Umbreon.Every Pokemon always make him sad.So suddenly he turn evil...What happened?Who got killed?Who survived?Lets find out!
Hi guys!I'm Moonae!The killer of the story!I wanna kill you...Wait,where is Sunae?!(Sunae is a Sylveon)Well,I think Flareae is here,right?(Flareae is a Flareon,not shiny)
Chapter 1...
"Hey,Moonae!"said Sunae.He was just standing there..."Oh well."said Sunae walking away.His teeth sharpend,his claws sharpend too,and his eyes reddened.*Shing*.After that nothing happened."Ha!"Moonae shouted laughing killing a random Espeon."Do...you h-have to do t-this?"Sunae said with tears falling down her cheeks."I-I didn't m-mean t-to.Please,Sunae-"Moonae stop completely."Well,bye..."Moonae said walking away."Please!Stop!"Sunae shouted.Bit that time he's gone...He met a Eevee and a Glaceon,he smiled,"Let me just kill..."Moonae said scratching the Glaceon."Ugh..."the Glaceon grumbled."Shut up!"Moonae shouted biting the Glaceon.After killing the Glaceon he turned to the Eevee,"Now little one..."he began,"Be good...".Moonae is about to kill the Eevee but he only give him a scratch,he remembered his kids with Sunae.Then he walked away...
Chapter 2...
While Moonae is walking he met Flareae,"I have been waiting for you..."said Flareae."Why did you kill?!Why?If you want Pokemons stop doing it,just say "Stop!I don't like it!",ok?You are a good Umbreon,right?"said Flareae."Yes,I am..."said Moonae.Until a shadow came out behind Moonae,Flareae noticed the shadow.The Glaceon (the Eevee)was about to kill Moonae when Flareae saved him by...the Glaceon killed him!Moonae think about what he did with his friends,"I am a good Umbreon.",His teeth and claws sharpend,his eyes reddend."NOW DIE!!!!!!!"Moonae shouted cutting his head off...
Chapter 3...
Sunae looked at Moonae as he is killing a Glaceon."Stop Moonae,stop!"Sunae cried.Moonae looked at her."No!Die!"Moonae answered making a dark ball to shoot.Moonae released the dark ball to shoot at Sunae,"Ahhh!!!!"Sunae cried as she in pain.When she is about to die Moonae's kid came,"Mommy!Daddy what happend?"his kids asked."I...I...I..."Moonae continued...The kids cuddle closer to Sunae.Moonae teeth,claws,and eyes turn back to normal,"What happend to me?What happend?!"Moonae asked himself.He looked at everyone he killed,he look at Sunae and his kids."Why,why...WHY?!"Moonae cried...Then he said to himself."I want to die if Sunae die!I want to be with her!My kids...bye."he smiled as he killed himself.
The End

Bye!Hope you like it!