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Dracko's Journy Part 4 : Embarresment City

by Despon

Despon Well I Had Time AFter School To Do This And took some time off the Wonderlocke so here we go!
Dracko was sound asleep with Soul and Flora beside him sleeping aswell then all of them woke up to a sound of a BOOM! " AGHHHH huh? " He looked around to see what happend he put on everything and sent off

Jinera Town

He heard faint cheering from the distance,it was his sister? he looked to see Her Charmeleon and Her doing fancy tricks " What are you doing? " " Oh hey bro i'm doing tricks that gets me Pokecash So i can enter the Beauty Show! " She Yelled " That sounds lame! " she froze " OH REALLY? " She yelled at him " how about a battle then? " She said " For what? " " To see who's more lamer! " He shrugged and sent out Soul, and she sent out Charmeleon. They both clashed but Charmeleon Came out on top then it was Flora but she could'nt take anymore hits making Kiana the winner then she yelled " GET OUT OF THIS TOWN HAHA " and everyone joined her He healed up and quickly left

Route 43

" Okay Guys we nned train! " but then two people came from out of tree " Were Team Nova give us your Pokemon or suffer the Beat down! " He Shooked his head " You can try! " They both sent out Beldums but both beat my soul incredible Speed " Ohh I'm scared " he said Manly " we'll be back! and they ran off " okay guys next town Laborbay city! "