Dracko Journy: Dracko Journy Part 3 : Filter's Amazing Challange

by Despon

Despon This was really fun to make! If you want know who soul is It's my nincada i catched last time!
Dracko and Flora looked at the newly catched Pokemon inside it's Pokeball then Dracko picked it up and sent it out " h-hi Nincada " the confused Pokemon jumped then looked at the mysterious new trainer " My name is Dracko! " The Nincada paused for second then nodded Dracko continued on his Dera Reigon Journy ( He was born here ) It's time take on Filter!

Jineria Town

Soul and Flora right beside his side he was ready take on the gym!, Dracko Rushed to the Gym and opened the doors

Filter's Gym

The Gym had a fresh smell " Smells nice in here! " Dracko Fought the trainer's with ease with Soul and Flora. Now It's time for the Gym battle!. " Hi! " Filter said was tough voice " It's Time for your Gym battle and i'm not going easy! " Dracko nodded and sent out soul and the Filter sent out Timburr, Soul and his Timburr Clashed like they were rivals but at the end Soul came victorious next it was machop Soul Could'nt take anymore hits so machop was the winner finally was Flora, Flora attacked with vine whip so machop could'nt attack her thus Winning Dracko The Clash Badge! " That was a amazing battle! " " Yeah It was Fun! " Dracko Walked out with his badge

Jineria Town

Dracko was so excited to move on but he and his pokemon needed to rest so they stopped at the Pokemart first for supply's then at the Pokecenter to heal and rest when Dracko was at the waiting lounge he heard a couple people metion how thier pokemon was stolen by evil group " That's no good " Dracko thought
