Fantrolls: Digital Art

by Star.Prince

sketch-1499854625161.png sketch-1499852250067.png sketch-1499843103229.png
Star.Prince Okay, so the first one was a gift on the Homestuck Amino, the other two characters are mine, and I did draw that last one.

(On all other social media websites I go by candyKanji)

Also, I just KNOW no one will even give this a like.

I feel it.
  1. Star.Prince
    @parisbuffet I just awkardly decided that her sign should be Cancer.
    Jul 13, 2017
  2. parisbuffet
    Heck yeah, Homestuck! I really should catch up on it sometime. uvu
    But isn't karkat's symbol cancer? Is the girl in the middle fem karkat or something?
    Jul 12, 2017
  3. The Snom Prince
    The Snom Prince
    I have a Homestuck Troll look-alike so I like
    Jul 12, 2017