Digimon World- Kaminarimon

by Shen: King of Digimon

Shen: King of Digimon Uh oh, it's Kaminarimon! This little electric mischief maker resembles a small electric cloud, however, it's rarely ever in that form. Why? Because it prefers looking like everything else around it, especially it's tamer! Having very little discipline, this creature actively does whatever it wants, speaking in broken English and acting like a spoiled brat. Despite this, it's transformations aren't 100% accurate, as there are always a few 'creative liberties' it takes with it's transformations.

It's move of choice is often 'Megalo Spark', which is a powerful burst of electrical energy, all bundled up into a condensed storm cloud and thrust out like a energy ball, clashing at the foe with the sound of a lightning strike. It's Signature move however allows him to transform into the enemy, giving them a taunt before delivering a humiliating attack to them (Laughing Stock).

OOC: This was a Digimon that was found in the files of the game 'Digimon World' but was never released. However, it's item was located in the files, along with it's texture sharing the same ID as the tamer, in essence having the same model. So I took that and tried to turn it into an actual representation of what the Digimon might have been like!
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