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Digimon- Roleplaymon (Ropuremon)

by Shen: King of Digimon

Shen: King of Digimon Ever have a favorite video game? Most likely, huh? Behind every game installment is there own unique Roleplaymon, who lives inside them. Roleplaymon's entire society revolves around being a part of a hit game, each one (usually) trying their best to make it the best game they can, some betting their whole self worth on it.

Many show displeasure when a player looks up guides on how to get through their game, seeing it as cheapening the whole experience. The majority of their species is actually very tame, living in peace within their games and worlds in harmony. However, some do act out, especially when their game is poorly received.

They have the power to manifest their video games into reality, taking up real life locations and making dungeons, castles, or whatever their game's setting is. Even further, they can also manifest enemies, traps, and other baddies from the games in which they represent(Random Encounter) Even further, he can turn himself into the final boss, transforming himself into something much taller, taking the traits of an existing boss within their game's code. (Boss Rush)
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