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Digimon- Giromon

by Shen: King of Digimon

Shen: King of Digimon Giromon, known as the 'Net Keeper', overseer of data and the knowledge it holds. However, he is known to go off the rails, disregarding this title and going rampant, making one wonder how he even achieved that title originally. In going rampant, it's attracted quite the attention of law enforcement all across the digital world, handsome bounties being placed on his head, wether he be alive or dead.

This floating Gremlin's first instinct is to maul an enemy with it's trusty Chainsaw, cutting them until they are no longer recognizable(Giro Chainsaw). As for long range, it can generate frighting red grenades that explode with a fiery boom and deadly fallout(Deadly Bomb).

If backed into a corner, it will make sure it has the last laugh. Retracting it's arms into itself, it will turn it's entire body into one last massive bomb, taking the foe down with it! (Overrun)
ThAtGuY101 and Willow Tree like this.