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Digimon Frontier- Toucanmon

by Shen: King of Digimon

Shen: King of Digimon Short and bumbling, the Toucanmon come from a line of powerful bird Digimon...though due to their preference to stay inside and gush over the latest trend or idol, their wings have regressed to barley even usable, rendering them nearly flightless. They have a man child like attitude, reflected off the fact that they refuse to leave their own egg shell and grow up.

Due to being physically weak compared to other Digimon of the same level. Toucanmon instead relies on avoiding trouble in groups, usually sheltered in secluded huts or houses. These makeshift nests founded by several Toucanmon are basically fanclubs, one that always seems to obsess over attractive Digimon that are way out of their league.

They will do anything for this idol or to impress them. So much so that they will scheme and preform dirty tricks just to get their attention. Even having their idol look their way or *talking* to them would satisfy them for a lifetime.
Loyaldis, ThAtGuY101 and Willow Tree like this.