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Digimon: Dimension Zero

by Shen: King of Digimon

Shen: King of Digimon When a rouge digimon steals a prized possession of unimaginable power and brings it to a new world, what kind of catastrophe might happen? hopefully no one should find out.

Sounds of rampant footsteps were heard, clawed feet racing ahead, dozens of other steps followed, giving chase. The black figure frantically looked from side to side throughout the corridors.

"It has to be around this dump somewhere!"

It made a abrupt left turn, racing to a different hallway, leading to one huge room with a huge circular machine hooked up to a wall, several control pads littered around it. The black digimon smirked.


He hopped from one big console to the next, pressing a random set of codes onto the commands, making his way toward the gateway. The other digimon finally caught up to him, as he was feet from the gateway.

"Stop, Thief!" A bird and human hybrid digimon, Silphymon spoke. "Don't meddle with that!"

"He's got to the machine!" Another guard spoke.

"You know boys, I think this world has become a bit dull...and to be frank massively hostile toward me. So I think a change of pace is in order."

"Don't do anything foolish! There is nowhere you can hide!"

"Oh yes but it will take you waaaaay to long to find me in a randomized set of coordinance eh?"

"Stop please!" Another spoke. "It's our hope, return it to us!"

"Nice knowing you fellas, bon voyage!!"


The black figure lunged into the gateway, a silphymon rushing at it to hop through, another stopping the guard by grabbing his shoulder.

"Fool! If you go in you would be lost yourself, in a random dimension far away from that vermin!"

"Perhaps your right...but we can't let him take our final defense!"

"We will try to bring it back..." He looked to the other guards. "Get the scientists in here stat!"

"Sir!" The saluted as they rushed off.

"We need that device captain...and in the hands of that madman, that...criminal!"

"I understand. Imagine what kind of trouble a being like him could do...."

"...with a digivice."

Digimon: Dimension Zero

Chapte 1: Gone with the old

A beautiful day it was in Kumosato, the city was large but just perfect where it wasn't too large. The sun shine off of the buildings and a couple skyscrapers around. The streets were a buzz with cars, people and horns. On one street in particular walked a certain boy.

He had thick black hair, with a highlight or two to red. His shirt was red and his long jeans were blue. He had deep set brown eyes and his face was an almost pale white. He walked with a tune in his head, whistling down the street.

Behind him, near a park, something strange was happening. A few electrical discharges went off, zapping the air, before a rift erupted into being, the dark digimon hopping out of the rift, closing behind him.

The lights in the city, phones, streetlights, and any electrical device went haywire for a few seconds, the streetlights flashing rapidly and light pole's bulbs burst. Then everything shifted back to normal.

"Hehe...not the worst random human world I could pop out to." The dark digimon grinned. "Now it's time for Dracmon to get to work!"

The boy looked about at the surge after it all passed, blinking in confusion.

"What was that? Not exactly normal to happen...weird."


The boy turned around, a blonde haired girl practically ran to him, a wide smile on her face. She had a green tank top with black pants on. She had a white cap on her head that was a little puffed out.

"Uh oh." The boy deadpanned.

"Nakazo I knew it was you!"

She jumped at him, wrapping her arms around his shoulders like a snake wrapping its prey. He struggled to get out from her tightening grip, but to no avail.


"Oh, right." She let go of him letting him catch his breath.

"Why do you have to be like that ehh?" Nakazo said with an annoyed look.

"Haha sorry it's hard to break the habit."

"Heh, it's good to see you though. How have you been?"

"You know, busy as usual."

"Busy doing what? Skipping school with Theren again?"

"Hey that was a one time thing!"

"Ha, sure it was." Nakazo smirked.

"Your one to talk, you skipped class today pretending to be sick!"

"Can you blame me? It's a beautiful day out."

"That's no excuse!"

"Besides I can just make it up tomorrow."

"Urggg. Why are you always like this?"

"Because I'm me that's why. Did you really expect me to show up?"

"How your not expelled at this point I have no idea."

"I have to go home now, else my parents will catch on."

"Fiiiine, I'll let you go. See you nakazo!"

"Bye Stacey."

She wrapped her boa constrictor arms around him again for a parting hug, he resisted, because he knew if he didn't she would never let go. She broke the hug and waved him a last goodbye before they splitted ways.

Nakazo walked up the stairs if a large tan and black colored apartment building, climbing the stairs to the second floor. He walked up to his door and gripped the handle, pushing in.

"Uncle Mark, Aunt Audrey, I'm home."

A rustle came from the Kitchen, then a puff of grey and black hair rose from the counter. A kind womanly figure poked into view she gave off the feel of a grandmother and a mother at once. She managed a bright smile.

"Oh! Welcome home Nakazo. How was school today?"

"Nice, very quick feeling." Nakazo responded half heartedly, knowing he skipped school altogether.

"That means it wasn't bad right?" She lightly chuckled to herself. "Be a little quiet today though, your uncle is having a rest. Try not to disturb him please."

Nakazo only nodded, walking over to his room and shutting the door. He sighed loudly, walking over to his bed plopping his bag on the floor and face planting on his bed.

"Why must I deal will all this?" He groaned.

He leaned over his bed, peeling his face off of his pillow. He unzipped his bag and grabbed a large camera from it. He turned it on and began flipping through a lot of photos he took of the city and park that day. He smirked at a few of them, from a beautiful sunrise to a dog dragging its toddler owner down the walkway, he had captured it all. Moments frozen forever now a photograph.

His room was full of them, printed out photos of all sorts of locations that he took. Parks, city scapes, vacations to other countries too. There were too many to name. Surely there was on in the batch of photos he took that would worthy to put on the wall?

"Hm...I think this sunset one would do nicely." He said to himself.

"Quite the artsy one aren't y'a kid?"

At the sudden voice, Nakazo whipped around. He was caught with the sight of a small dark figure. It was bipedal, but dressed in an odd style of black clothes that left its chest and stomach wide open. It had a amulet dangling down from his neck, and small white tuffs of hair or furr coming from the edges of the chest. He had clawed feet and hands, and a small but noticeable tail. The most prominent feature was his unblinking face. It was either a mask or a face, Nakazo couldn't tell, with two large eyes, one red and the other green on them. It was leaning on the window frame, the window wide open.

Nakazo blinked for a moment when he locked onto him, registering just what he was seeing right now. He laughed very nervously.

"Your a...kid from the apartment above or something right?"

"You couldn't be more wrong. Deadly machine of destruction your look'in at here."

"Somehow I doubt that."

"Ohhhhhh do you now?"

"Yeah, but hey, maybe in a few days you can use that costume for some candy getting, Halloween is close. Nice costume." Nakazo smirked.

"Not sure what your aiming at there...”

"Basically, I complimented you on the costume."

"Ahhhh, let's change that mindset of yours,

Dracmon cackled, holding his hands out, pointing the palms toward each other. The palms had an odd eye in the center of each one. He curled his fingers and stressed the muscles in his palms. A thin beam almost as thin as a thread stretch from one eyes to the next, and in the center a tiny marble sized emerged sphere formed. Slowly the thin lines became thicker, to the size of a arm. The sphere became bigger too, about bowling ball sized.

"Urrrrrrrrgh......" The Dark digimon heaved.

Nakazo fell off his bed and stared wide eyed. He was scared, for his life mainly, and secondly his sanity. He ducked behind his bed for cover in case the giant ball of energy was released. Dracmon gave a big breath before the lines of energy broke, the energy ball dispersed into thin air. Dracmon closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

"Phew, that's gotta be proof right?"

There was silence in the room, Dracmon opened his eyes, the room looked empty.

"Eh? Where'd you go kid?"

Dracmon hopped inside the room, his hand pressed on the floor. He looked about the room. He looked behind the bed, and found nakazo wielding a spoon, ready to attack. Dracmon's expression didn't seem to change, making nakazo think I really was a mask.

"What...you thinking that little thing will protect you?"

Dracmon grunted and swatted the spoon out of his hand with a quick motion. He stepped closer, stepping on his knee with a foot and resting a hand on it, leaning his masked head in for a better look at him.

"Hmm...what exactly are humans good at anyway? They have no claws, no weapons of considerable means anyway. No wings, sharp teeth, or even as much as a snaggle tooth! I mean, come oooon."

Dracmon got off of the startled teen and jumped onto the bed with his arms crossed. Nakazo slowly rose a bit, regaining some of his calm that had escaped him.

"W-What...what are you? WHO are you?"

"Name’s Dracmon, and I'm a digital life form, or monster as we are often called. We call this title digimon. Also two times two equals four, is there anything else you'd like to know?"

"Well actually-"

"Good, now it's time for my questions!"

Dracmon came further, taking something that was wedged under his mask and shoving it out toward Nakazo. It was octagonal in shape, white mainly with dark blue buttons and a black screen in the center of it. Nakazo was puzzled, he hadn't seen anything like it before.

"Tell me how this works!"


"You heard me!"

"Well uh let's see here."

Nakazo took the device tapped a few button in the strange contraption. Nothing seemed to respond, the screen in the center did not do as much as even light up. Dracmon watched over his shoulder the entire time as he fiddled with every part of it. Nakazo handed it back to the puzzled digimon.

"I'm sorry, I think it's broken."

"Broken? It can't be broken. It's guaranteed to work! Maybe your not trying hard enough!"

"I said I was sorry, I just have no idea what to do with that...whatever it is."

"Wait, do you even know what this is?"

"I though I made it clear that I didn't you little weirdo..."

"But humans are like, the most likely to know this stuff! It’s the thing that you do!”

Dracmon withdrew the digivice, and paces back and forth on Nakazo's bed. Nakazo watched the strange black digimon as it came to a stop and flipped around to the teen.

"This is a class C human world then. You don't even know of the presence of digimon then are you?"

Nakazo shook his head, much to the irritation of the black digimon. He kicked the teen's pillow several times in frustration, before taking a few deep breaths in trying to calm down.

"Okay okay, we can salvage this. So the solution is to fill you in about the situation. Perhaps then, you might be enlightened enough to make this thing work."

"I'm not sure what your talking about Dragon."

"DRAC-MON!” Dracmon growled. “And that's the point! You have no idea, so ask your questions, come on let's go we don't have all day!"

"Err okay..."

He scratched his head. This was pretty overwhelming for him, a lot going on and a lot to process. He was curious about so many things but he couldn't formulate them into words. He tried to milk out what he could.

"Okay then, where do you come from?"

"Digital world H-21-J, not like you'd know what that is. Basically, a digital world where digital life forms, such as myself, thrive and live in a battered mix of peace or harmony and sometimes in between."

Nakazo went up on the bed and sat cross legged, with his hand on his chin trying to process this information.


"No no no, NO! We are digital life forms that are much more complex than simple 'programs' just like how humans are more than cells and atoms."

"Alright, I get it! geez. Another question would be why are you here?"

"A good question, finally!"

The small digimon jumped up to the edge of the bed, standing on the frame to look taller as he cleared his throat.

"I, Dracmon, am here on a mission. One that requires me to use this device to work to achieve it. Then after that, I can be out of your hair if you so chose!"

"So, you'll go away once I get this to work for you?"

"If you want me to, in a instant!"

Nakazo crosses his arms, deliberating. "Hm, well that sounds good. Let me try this again."

Nakazo grabbed the digivice again, and pointed it at Dracmon, pressing a button. Nothing happened, so he pressed the other, then another. Dracmon began to tap his foot impatiently.

"Are you serious right now, human?"

"Yeah, trust me I'm-"

"Say digivolution when you do it."

"What? Why would that-"

"Just say it!"

"Hey hey alright!"

He grasped the digivice in he is left hand and with his right hand hovered around the button as he looked up to Dracmon.

"Digi...evolution." He said as he pressed the button lightly.

"More feeling!”




He jammed the button again, the screen of the digivice simply fizzing. Dracmon got excited for a spilt second before growling in frustration, punching the bedside.

"Oh come on! Why isn't this working!"

A voice called from outside the room. "Nakazo? Honey are you okay?"

"Yes aunt Audrey!" He said, wide eyed.

"Just remember to be quiet, your uncle is sleeping."

"Aright I will!"

Nakazo sighed, Dracmon not paying attention to that conversation starting to appear more desperate and aggravated, tapping his claws against his mask.

"There must be something I'm doing wrong. I got the non digital life form, the digimon, the digivice, even the Intel! What am I missing?"

Suddenly, Dracmon looked up, a few snickers coming out from him as he stood up straight, giving a cunning look at the human before him, his hand resting where his chin would have been.

"Ahahah, I see. Perhaps a change of place is in order! A digital world perhaps?"

"Wait, a digital world? The thing you were talking about? But I can't go anywhere but here. I have friends, a family, heck even just a normal life! I don’t need this. Like, not even in the slightest.”

"Psssh, like you even care. Says the kid who skips school and is apparently tormented by normal, your not fooling anyone. I can smell a Lier."

"Look little weirdo, your just a strange...thing that hopped into my house and tried to boss me around. I'm not to keen on leaving with you. Yeah sure I want to go somewhere so different but-"

"B-B-B-B-But nothing!" Dracmon shushed him. "What other chance could you have to see a new world full of new things and frontiers? Hey, you can even bring your camera to commemorate. It's a win win, don't you think?"

Nakazo looked around at his room, photos everwhere of places he's been, and parts of the city that he's walked for the hundredth time. He began to think about the words the strange Digimon said, looking at his camera. He picked it up and turned to him.

"Fine, we can go. But just for the rest of the day, got it? I don’t want any adventures, no shenanigans. Nothing. Just a small hour break or so. Nothing more.”

"Heheh as you wish human. Getting to the digital world counterpart of a human world is easy..."

"So how exactly are you planning to get to this: 'Digital world' anyway."

"Watch and learn."

Dracmon tapped his nails against the floor of the room, pressing hard, grunting as he did so. It looked harder than Dracmon had led on, his nail glowing green and holographic zero's and one's began to emanate from it. He dragged his nail across the floor in a circular pattern, the entire circle glowing and shining. Once he linked the beginning to the end point, the circle began to irradiate with green and black light, the floor seemed to disappear inside the circle and seem 3-D in shape, like a tunnel. Nakazo leaned in to the portal, cocking his head.

"What is this...?"

"A tunnel sweet heart. Now hurry up!"

Dracmon kicked the human off balance, tripping him into falling down the tunnel. He yelled on the way down as Dracmon hopped down, the tunnel collapsing as they went. Light was at the end of the tunnel, which was growing ever smaller and smaller, becoming more cramped as it destabilized. The sounds of electricity and collapsing of electronic distortion filled the void right up till Nakazo left the tunnel.

The first thing that registered was falling. Sky, falling. Plummeting down fast, the clouds like cotton, but no where near as soft. He was in the sky, the ground coming into view, the closer he came to it. He yelled, it was all that he can do besides panic. He camera flailed around his chest and his arms were trying to slow his free fall anyway he can, no no avail.

The mountainous terrain below came closer and closer, bigger and bigger. It seemed like he could almost touch it. The threat of death coming nearer and nearer to reality. His heart beat faster and faster, adrenaline rushing through him every second of fall. Suddenly, something grabbed his shoulder.

"Human, stop panicking, your making it worse." Dracmon's familiar voice spoke, holding out the digivice. "Concentrate, what do you want to do?!"

"Ahh! Not die!"

"More specific!" He slapped the back of the boy's head. "What do you want right now?!"

"To not fall to my death!"

"Closer, closer, what do you want not to it you?!"

"I don't want to hit the ground!!!!" Nakazo shouted at the top of his lungs.

The ground grew a few hundred feet away, closing in fast. The digivice lit aglow with green, the digivice radiating with power. The falling became slower and slower, the digivice shining up toward the sky, bright white streaks racing across the air around. Soon the fall slowed to a slow float, several feet from the ground. Nakazo's sneakers lightly touched the ground, and soon, the digivice stopped glowing green and his full weight landed on the ground. Dracmon let go of his shoulders and plopped on the ground beside him giggling manically in joy.

"Hahahaha! It's done! The digivice works!!" He said punching the air. "Take it! Say digivolution now!"

"Okay, worth a shot." He took the now online digivice, and pointed it toward the digimon. "Digivolution!"

Dracmon braced himself, awaiting the digivices effect. Seconds passed, nothing was happening. Nakazo turned to look at the digivice, it was definitely on, the green light was still there, but nothing was happening period. Dracmon stomped his foot and yelled in the air.

"Oh come on! I came all this way just for it to fail!"

He breathes heavily and angrily, kicking up dirt and grass from the digital plain. Nakazo approached him, unsure how to calm down the angry digimon.

"Hey, Dracmon. Dracmon? It's okay, we got it to light up, it's progress!"

Dracmon took a few more deep breaths, trying to push past the angry side of him. He turned around back to Nakazo, his arms crossed.

"Okay, so we are moving in the right direction, at least. This digital world is definitely a part of the solution. Which reminds me...what part are we?"

Nakazo looked up, and around at the horizon. It looked very similar to the world he was used to, except some obvious differences. The sky was blue and clear, white stringy clouds strewn about. There were floating rocks and islands above, as well as stray bits of debree. He seemed to be on a mountainside, overlooking a large misty forest, and a small thin stream that connected the two.

There were horse like creatures that had black and white stripes like zebras, but they had odd red masks with horns sticking out. The masks had visors and white tubes coming out of them. They were like nothing he'd ever seen. They were scaling down the mountain and toward the forest.

"Wha- what are those things??"

"Eh? Oh those. They are digimon like me. Shima-unimon I believe. At least these ones are passive. Imagine if we ran into higher level ones, oh nelly."

"As long as you know what your doing, I suppose. Wait, what ARE we doing anyway?"

"Well, trying to get that digivice to work, and we are half working here. We need to figure out how to do that last part."

"Before we continue with that, I'd like to do some of my end of the bargain."

Dracmon cocked his head, tolerating the digivice plans stopping. Nakazo stepped down to one knee and took out his camera, aiming it toward the view from the mountain top, taking a few pictures of the ravine, forest, and ridges below. Dracmon tapped his foot audibly, waiting for him to get done.

"I didn't know the digital world was going to be this beautiful, I thought it was going to be all pixels and such, you know?"

"If only you knew how racist that was to here, then maybe you wouldn't be saying that. Besides, this world isn't all about beauty."

"Hey, Dracmon? Do you think there are towns and cities here, like civilization type thing?"

"By the looks of it, it's a type F digital world. If it can hold champion levels so commonly, then I believe so. Why?"

"Well maybe if we go to one, we can find out more how to work that digivice thing of yours. Perhaps they know."

Dracmon sighed. "Look kid, digivices can only be used by living beings that aren't digital life. What makes you think a digital life form would know?"

"Well, they could tell us who does know, or maybe some tips, a location, or maybe even a different species here. You never know."

"Your so arrogant, how unsightly." Dracmon huffed. "But if it pleases your muse to do so, I think I can point us in the right direction."

"How are you going to do that?"

Dracmon he his hands over his masked face, the palms of the hands opening up to reveal the two different colored eyes. They began to glow up, several seconds went by as Dracmon seemed at work. A few more seconds passed before they dimmed down and put them to his sides.

"I believe there is on southwest of here. I think."

"You think?"

"I could only see a road and signs, but that does mean someone had to build them."

"alright, pretty neat ability you got. But uh...which place is southwest?"

"Can't you tell? The wind in this world seems to blow from the east, so we have to go the opposite of that."

"Your pretty resourceful, and you said you never been to this digital world before?"

"No I haven't, too many digital world's to visit them all. But I know some street smarts if that's what your saying."

Dracmon lead a path down the mountain, through a winding trail of ledges and rocky paths. It slowly changed from a misty mountain ridge, to a more flat and grassy zone. The just faded more and more as they walked, until the mist was barley even present. The big bully field was the only thing In front of them, a road starting to appear in their view walking down it.

"There, that's where I saw the road."

"Looks like you were right, ha. I'm impressed. But did you see that too?"

"Eh see what?"

"There! That's green thing!"

Nakazo pointed straight down the trail, a ways away there was a green figure moving frantically left and right, up and down. Faint noises of steel clanging went along with it. Nakazo stepped closer, quickening his pace. Dracmon hesitantly went by his side.

"Kid, you may not be aware of it, but the last thing you should do in this world is investigate strange phenomenon!"

"What? Why not?"

"For all you know, it could be a digimon that has a bloodlust for mass murder. Leave it be!"

The human ignored him, and keep moving despite the protests from Dracmon. He went into a jog, then a run toward the green dot, which then became a green blur, then he could almost see it. As he approached where the green figure was, he saw fire. There were carts strewn across the road, fire emerging from them. They looked reminiscent to the wagons around from the Oregon trail and the mid western days.

The green figure revealed itself, coming down from the sky. It was Probably 30 feet tall, with a scaly Exo skeleton. It was insect like, six legs under it and two long scythe coming out of his arms like a praying mantis. His head was very much like an Insect, if it were cross with a ferocious animal. It's face was scaly and positioned like a insect, but it's mouth appears very much like that of a dinosaur or a lizard. It's sharp teeth protruding, seeming out of place on the large insect. It had two green wings that constantly fluttered like a dragonfly.

"Ehhh! that's a Snimon!" Dracmon said defensively. "A tough champion level digimon. I knew this would be trouble, but you didn't listen!

Snimon landed down near that flipped over carts. And roared, it's scythes hacking away at them, cutting open the carts and peering In what was inside. It's mouth was shoved out of the hole my some type of red energy. Snimon staggered but quickly came back to it's feet, roaring back.

"Dracmon, are there people in there? People about to die?"

"No, let's Go before WE die."

After he said that, a humanoid figure emerged, two others behind them as well. It was a woman, with a long white coat and blonde hair, looked like she'd never worked a day in her life. She has two digimon with her. One was a spherical one, colored red and black with small arms and legs on it. It floated in the air with a tiny jet on its back, and it had two big eyes which shakes fear but determination, resembling a bomb. The other one was rather stumpy and short. It was green with blue stripes with a large red fin in the middle. It resembled a toad, except it's webbed feet were simply one large claw on each foot.

"There ARE people in there!" Nakazo yelled

"They got themselves in this mess they can get themselves out."

Nakazo ignored him, running headlong into the danger. Dracmon groaned as he did so, chasing after him, but making sure to keep his distance. Nakazo hopped up onto the cart, next to the three victims of the attack. She turned her head to meet him. Snimon flew up into the air, circling around for another pass.

"What? Just who are you?!"

"My name's Nakazo." He spoke, bringing out he digivice. "And I'm here to rescue you!"

She seemed relieved. "A tamer! Thank God, where is your digimon? We need the support!"

"My...digimon? Oh! You mean Dracmon! Come up here Dracmon!"

Dracmon hopped up on the cart and gave a half hearted wave their way. The woman seemed unsure about them but ignored her doubts for the moment.

"I am Headmistress Bethany Hughes, anti creator task force. This is green digimon is betamon and the red one is Hyuzumon."

The two digimon nodded their head, greeting but knowing that a long welcome could be their death.

"We are lucky that a tamer like you happened to be in the area. Now what level can you digivolve to?"

"Level? What do you mean?"

She blinked twice, registering what he said, clearing her throat. "You know? Digivolution?

"Oh that, Dracmon was teaching me how to do that."

"You don't know how to digivolve?!"

She got her worried expression back on her face, right as Snimon came back from the air to attack. It rammed the cart, pushing it toward a tree, ramming it so hard against it that it almost brought the tree down. Nakazo and Dracmon were shaken down into the opening of the cart with the other three survivors. Snimon hissed as it tried to claw at them from inside.

"I can do this!" Hyuzumon, that bomb like digimon spoke in a energetic yet squeaky voice. "Just watch!"

Dracmon fixed his gaze on the bomb like digimon, cocking his head to the side and then to the other. He had looked like he had seen a ghost. He backed up against the wall of the wagon as he whispered to himself, but loud enough for Nakazo to hear.

"Hyuzumon? I've never seen that kind of digimon anywhere. And I've been to many worlds..."

Hyuzumon threw itself toward the face of the attacking insect. It latched on to it, and began to flow a burning color of orange.

"Mini bomb!"

The digimon grew a bright white before a small explosion enveloped Snimon's head, sending it staggering in pain. Hyuzumon fell down from where he caused the explosion, back into the cart with the rest of the group. It's eyes were dazed and body was charred. Nakazo wasn't sure what to make of this, he approached the digimon, trying to grasp his sense of reality.

"Uh hey...bomb guy, you okay?"

The bomb digimon wobbly got back on its own two feet, staggering left and right. "Yeah I'm fine I think... That attack really is tiring."

Snimon hissed and roared, getting back on it's path toward the wagon. It's scythes bore through the sides of it and ripped open a portion, as the wood began to crack and break apart. The woman seemed scared but sturdy, thinking of a way out of this. Just then, Nakazo stood up, jumping up to the top of the wagon, in view of the predatory insect. Dracmon grabbed his ankle, yelling up to him.

"Just what do you think your doing kid?! These losers got themselves in here, we have to get out before we get caught up!"

"I'm not leaving." Nakazo said firmly. "They are going to be killed by that thing if I don't do something about it!"

"Just what did you have in mind. Kid?? Kid!"

Nakazo shook off his grasp and made it over to the edge of the cart. Snimon kept clawing to get inside, breaking more into it with each strike. He took a deep breath and yelled at the monster.

"Hey you, over here!"

He kicked the digimon on it's forehead, doing no noticeable damage, but caused enough annoyance for Snimon to rise up and roar at him. The roar alone was almost enough to knock him down, but he didn't back away. He hopped down from the wagon and sprinted toward another wreckage, Snimon turning and driving one of it's scythes into the ground near him, missing him. It tried again, and again, trying to skew him.

"Just what is he doing?!" Bethany Hughes questioned. "He's going to get himself killed!"

"I told him not to! Humans are insufferable!" Dracmon stomped his foot.

"He will be remembered, if only we could do something to help." Betamon croaked out.

Hyuzumon managed to fly up back to his normal status. "There's something I can do!"

The little bomb like digimon flew up shakily and sputtered toward Nakazo, who was still trying to avoid Snimon, who grew ever closer. Another one of Snimon's scythes hit near Nakazo, taking a few stray strands of hair off of his head. Nakazo made it to the other cart, and jumped to get inside. Mid jump, he was caught by the tip of Snimon's scythe, hooked up under his shirt, hoisting him up like a hook. Nakazo desperately tried to take his shirt off, but couldn't due to his scythe being all the way through to the other side. The futility of struggling set in, Snimon using his other scythe to prepare a cleaving strike toward the human. Right as it revved back, Hyuzumon flung itself toward its face yet again, and lit up orange.

"Mini Bomb!"

An explosion erupted from the face of Snimon, staggering it once more. Snimon lost balance, it's scythe holding Nakazo slid to a slant, letting him slide down like a slide, and roll down on the rough road. Hyuzumon fell down and rolled to the ground near him seeming to be more powerless than the first time he used it. Nakazo looked to the injured digimon.

"What are you doing? What are you hoping to do?"

"Exactly the same as you. I want to protect them, because they are important to me and others." The damaged digimon muttered.

Nakazo picked up him up, the metal exterior of the digimon making its slightly heavy. Snimon was quickly getting back to it's senses, looking angrier than before. It stormed his way, the wings flapping faster, giving it ramming speed. Nakazo sprinted to try and avoid it, winding his way behind a tree. With a quick slice, Snimon snapped it apart, the trunk of the tree sliding off, the entire top half vanishing into data.

Dracmon looked on at them as they were scattering about frantically. "What a bunch of fools, why are they risking themselves like this? It's doing nothing but shortening their own life spans."

Snimon put his scythes in front of Nakazo's path, diagonally in a arrow shape, cutting off all ways of fleeing except behind, where the looming face of Snimon was. Nakazo look for a way of leaving, but found no way to get over the sleek scythes.

"Not good, not good!"

Snimon's face loomed in and snapped once, then twice, each time getting closer than the last. Dracmon leaped to attention, looking at what was happening.

"If he dies, the digivice goes too! I need to get that thing back!"

Dracmon went up behind Snimon and held out the palms of his hands, the eye in both of them widening up. They energized in a red and green aura respectively.

"Eye of nightmare!"

A small green and red beam emerged from the hands, and burned against Snimon, while Snimon seemed in pain, he was not giving up his attack on Nakazo. The wings of Snimon fluttered quick, propelling his face up against Nakazo, touching him. It readied another bite, but Hyuzumon leaped in the way, wedging himself in the teeth of the giant insect.

"Bomb guy, get out of there!"

"It's the only way, human." Hyuzumon spoke, cracks forming on it as it began to flow orange. "Carry on for me, okay?"

"No, I'm not letting you die! Hyuzumon!!"

The digivice in his pocket began to let out a small tune, before lighting up in a bright green. Hyuzumon became colored green as well, both of the simmering bright. Dracmon laughed.

"Haha! It's time! Time for my digivolution! It's about time!"

His heart sank when he heard the words come from the bomb shaped digimon.

"Hyuzumon, digivolve!"

Hyuzumon began to change shape, becoming more humanoid in figure. It's spherical body became it's head, the stump legs and arms morphed together, becoming to elongated edges on his side, creating two red ridge like ears. It grew a body, metal appearing to forge around it, data spilling in as the Chest plate was installed. It's red hands and shoes were humanoid and seemed to be cloth covering steel. His center is a reactor that was encased in spherical iron casing. It's legs were very agile looking and grey colored. Big pill shaped extensions came from it's hips, a circular opening at the forefront of it.

DarkHydraT likes this.
  1. DarkHydraT
    I can't tell what I love more about this story, the unique starter Digimon, Dracmon's attitude or the fact that it is a good story!
    Feb 27, 2019