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Digimon- Datamon Redraw

by Shen: King of Digimon

Shen: King of Digimon The doctor is in! This micro machine is the engineer behind some of the worst viruses to hit the web, his intellect knowing no bounds, or so he says. Datamon is a cunning and brilliant technician and researcher, void of all restraints based on a little thing called morality. If a better opportunity arrises, he will not hesitate to betray his prior engagement and sell them to the Devil.

It's central processor that makes up half it's body computes intense calculations faster than any super computer on earth, and with no boundaries of knowledge in sight. It's primary attack is releasing bombs from it's finger tips, loaded to the brim with nasty custom made malware that corrupts any surface (Digital Bomb). However, it's most brutal attack is releasing invisible nanobots that rewrite the very cellular structure or digital code of whatever it touches! It's the architect of true Nanotech Terror!
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