Digimon Appli- Asuka "Astra" Torajirou and Musimon

by Shen: King of Digimon

Shen: King of Digimon Can we? Can't we? Of course we can!

Astra is a famous Apptube star, having millions of subscribers for his outrageous content. Music, pranks, dares, challenges, he's done it all to appease his fans and to have fun while doing it. He's never without his best friend Musimon, who is a bundle of vibes and positivity. Together they make a dynamic duo of entertainment! They have a lot of experience under their belt dealing with difficult foes, adding each one's style into their playlist!

Musimon, when sensing Astra or other allies getting lower health, he can play a music track that lifts the spirits of them, allowing them to ignore the pain of their wounds more easily (Happy Playlist). Together, Musimon and Astra can team up, Astra playing the role of a DJ, charging Musimon's power through beats to release a cacophony of music notes that put down even the strongest of foes! (Music Hour!)
  1. comic
    As the kids say these days;
    Feb 16, 2022
    Shen: King of Digimon likes this.