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ASSAULT!!: Dick Grayson VS Ron Weasley (DC Comics VS Harry Potter) | ASSAULT!!

by DopeLeafeon470

DopeLeafeon470 The two iconic sidekicks of strong protagonists are here to ace off in this episode of ASSAULT!!
Season 2, Episode...uh, I lost track.

There are heroes.

More specifically, there are heroes who protect the innocent from a dark force, and gets the girl.

...and there are those heroes’ nervous sidekick.




He’s DopeLeafeon and I’m Rotom!

And we’ve set up traps and weapons across the arena...but who will win the Assault?


Ya see son, when a man, and a woman, love each other very much…

Cut the jokes, let’s get to it.

So these people gave birth to this little dude named Richard. He was born on the first day of spring, so that “Little Robin” name goes without saying.

Richard John “Dick” Grayson grew up as a circus actor, his trapeze being his favorite.

And naturally, that cuts into being a super-awesome acrobatic sidekick of JUSTICE!

...yeah, Dick first became Batman’s sidekick at the age of 12, and of course, his name was Robin.

Robin has a very big variety of weapons, now can you get Eeveechu off my back, please?

Shoo! Shoo!


That’s not the last time he’ll be on my back.

Like we said, Robin has a variety of weaponry, including his own Wing-Ding, an indestructible staff--


A grappling hook (but he doesn’t need that since he’s an awesome acrobat) and sonic grenade.

But he has much more skill in the martial arts. He can dodge attacks from villains with power than any other superhero with power. Except for Superman. And Batman. And the Flash.

And he’s beaten plenty of villains equipped with a weapon of some sort by himself.

Ready to see how much martial arts Robin knows? *inhaaaaale* Kung Fu, Escrima, Capoeira, Judo, Hapkido, Taekwondo, Jiu-jitsu, Savate, Sambo, Ninjitsu, aaaaand Boxing.

That’s not all, he can perform professional hacking, tactician, escape artism(?), marksmanning(also ?), stealth, and intimidation.

But Robin didn’t know that one day he would become a superhero with power equal to Batman’s.

One day, Robin got himself in a mess and everyone thought he was dead. But he wasn’t. So, to avoid confusion, he became Nightwing.

Nightwing is a bigger, stronger version of his younger self. He’s more intelligent, more bodybuilding, and more hhhhaaaaiiirrrr…

Oh, jeez, what is that, Super Saiyan 3?

Robin is definitely more than just Batman’s nerdy sidekick. He’s almost lifted 1,000 pounds of rubble, kicked a steel door off its hinges, fought Deathstroke in multiple matches without dying, and kissed a girl. And he liked it.


But that brings us to his weaknesses.

Sometimes he uses too much of his brain, and then the next second it goes POOF!

For example, on the first day of being on the streets, there was an alien invasion and a pretty girl got on the ground. This girl would later be known as Starfire, who kissed him before he even got the chance to say anything. I threw him off-guard, and he wasn’t able to do anything but stay close to Starfire.

I’ll be honest, if a girl kissed me, I’d probably stay close to her too.

But that won’t happen, since you’re literally a bolt of electricity. If anyone kissed you, they’d die.

Bolts of a electricity can dream…


Robin: There is good and there is evil. There are those who commit crime, and there are those who stop it. These two sides are opposite. Like night and day...or at least, it’s supposed to be.


Let me take you to a mythical world, full of bearded people on motorcycles telling “Yer a Wizard” to everyone who got a letter from an owl or something like that.

...that definitely sounds like the world for me.

Anyway, there has always been a school for people who have this special gift of becoming a wizard.

This was the Academy for Wizards, also known as Hogwarts.

Hey, Hogwarts? Isn’t that, like, two animals combined? Hog? Wart?

I’ll add four to your Question Mark Counter. Currently at 547.

One of the students attending this school was Ronald Bilius Weasley.

Ron was born on March 1st, and was born close to a war between Voldemort and Harry Potter, his to-be classmate.

Ron’s go-to weapon is his Wand, which can protect him from attacks with Protego, pick up heavy objects with Leviosa, attack his enemies with Expelliarmus, and plenty others.

Ron is an expert tactician, aced the classes that are Charms and Defence Against the Dark Arts, Potions, Herbology, Transfiguration, and more.

But when being on the ground gets a little uncomfortable, he can always call upon his *inhale* AMAZING BROOMSTICK!

Ron’s Broomstick can fly as high as the atmosphere goes, and can fly almost at the speed of sound…

Sonic: D:


Sonic: :D

In fact, Ron is SO good at flying, he was recruited as the Keeper of the Gryffindor Quidditch Team. Not that you know what that is.

Ron’s survived many battles in which he was a part of, if anything, he won them!

He’s also won the heart of Hermione Granger.


But Ron certainly has quite the attitude.

He’s overly sensitive sometimes, and he’s not confident with himself. A lot.

This could lead to him doing badly in battle, or not winning a game of Quidditch.

But overall, Ronald Weasley is never measley. I have no idea what that word means...but hopefully it works.

Ron: The main character in the story gets the girl? Bitch, please.

*snicker* Sorry, here’s a real one.

Ron: When we come face-to-face with one down a dark alley, we’re going to be having a look to see if it’s solid, aren’t we? We are not going to be asking “excuse me, are you the imprinting of a dark soul?”.


Alrighty, both characters have been researched, it’s time to get ready for the fight! HERE WE GOOOOOOO!


(Cap Kingdom - Super Mario Odyssey)

Robin flipped his way through the endless trees, and when he found a tall one, he climbed it to see where he was. When he did, he saw a humongous castle. “Must’ve caught myself in fantasy funland. Or…” Robin climbed down the tree and continued being awesome flipping. “This could be a trick from Mad Mod. I’d better find a way out of here,” Robin started to hustle up. Then he noticed a man wearing red and blue on a hoverboard. “Excuse me, sorry to interrupt, but I would like to say that this whole castle is going to be mine after I’m finished with you!” said the man. “Mad Mod…” Robin said to himself. The Hogwarts students were confused. A man flying on something that isn’t a broomstick. Something was awry. Then Dumbledore stepped out of the...door. “I command you to leave my students alone! Avada Kadabra!” he yelled, as a powerful shot came out of the wand he was using. “Your petty little spells won’t work on me!” grinned Mad Mod evilly. He pressed a button on his staff.

(World Bowser - Super Mario 3D World)

“Now remember, England is the best country!” said Mad Mod. The sky turned into a black and white swirliness of DOOM! Everyone was under Mad Mod’s control...until a ginger kid stepped out of a shop. “Whoa...what’s going on?” asked Ron. “I always love myself a good fight.” said Robin, jumping and kicking Mad Mod in the face...or at least, that was the plan. Mad Mod moved out of the way and Robin ended up kicking Ron instead. “How are you not hypnotised?” asked Robin, curiously, but he was also worried it would come out the wrong way. “Looks like you’ve already got yourself an opponent! Ta-ta, Robin! HAHAHAHA!” Mad Mod flew away, while laughing menacingly. “You must be the one hypnotising all of my friends!” Ron took out his wand, readying himself for battle. “You’ve got it all wrong! The guy that just--”

“LIAR!” said Ron, as if he was ready to cast a spell. “Fine. Have it your way,” Robin ran out of mercy.

(Dark Meta Knight - Kirby Triple Deluxe)

Final Round!

Robin ran towards Ron, jumping and kicking him in the face. “Protego!” shouted Ron.


Robin’s attack was shielded, so he punched and kicked more. When he was worn out, Ron said “Expelliarmus!” which shot a ball of energy at Robin. He took out his staff to block it, but it broke and knocked him back. Robin threw three Wing-Dings at Ron. “Luminous Maxima!” Ron shot a ball of blinding light, throwing the Wing-Dings and Robin off-course. “Expelliarmus!” he yelled again, this time hitting Robin fully. But he threw a smoke bomb as he teleported away behind Ron. By the time he noticed, it was too late. Robin had already started a TOTALLY INSANE KILLER INSTINCT COMBO! First he rapidly punched him, and kicked him into the air, the punched and roundhouse kicked him some more, then front flip with his leg out to hit him to the ground. And just when Robin was ready to finish him off, Ron rolled away and weakly said “Expelliarmus!” but it wasn’t strong enough, so he said it louder. “EXPELLIARMUS!” this time it worked. Robin moved out of the way again, and jumped towards Ron. He rolled out of the way, “Expecto Patronum!” yelled Ron, pulling in Robin. “Wingardium Leviosa!” Ron managed to pick him up and throw him against every wall there ever was, and he accidentally pulled him towards himself instead. Due to Robin’s awesome reflexes, Ron’s wand was knocked out of his hands. Robin stuck the landing and continued to swiftly hit Ron. But this time, he wouldn’t stop until he could punch no more, and then that happened, Ron was severely injured. Both fighters were. Both fighters breathed heavily. Then Ron’s eyes widened and he went to pick up his wand again. “Expelliarmus!” He yelled again. This time Robin successfully blocked it with his staff, tripped Ron, and hit him like he was a baseball. Mad Mod came back. “Looks like the little Robin hasn’t died yet! Looks like we’ll have to change things up a bit!” He said, pressing another button on his staff, which made the platform below Ron and Robin rise, as it spun around rapidly, going forward in time. “AHHHHHHHH!” Shouted Robin as he struggled to get to Mad Mod to stop it, but to no avail.

Ron opened his eyes. “Well...this is not what I expected to happen,” he said. “Me neither. I--” “AVADA KADABRA!” Yelled Ron, who shot a green ball of energy at Nightwing, blowing his head off.


Well...that was anti-climactic.

I would say both characters were equal in experience, but Ron is a little older than Robin, and even with Nightwing, he let his guard down trying to explain reason to Ron, which gives him an open spot to blow his head off with a ball of energy.

Robin has the upper hand in close combat, but Ron has the edge over almost every other category.

Ever heard of brains beats brawn?

Sometimes. A lot. Always.

Pokémon: ...why are you looking at me?

Robin has saved nothing bigger than a city, but Ron has saved more.

Looks like Robin got expell[iarmus]ed.

The winner is Ronald Weasley.


They’re smug.
They’re ace pilots.
They’re sarcastic.
Freeze Tag:
Mewtwofan259 likes this.
  1. DopeLeafeon470
    Dec 19, 2017
    Eeveechu151 likes this.
  2. Mechanist Gamma
    Mechanist Gamma
    Ah yes.
    He's also done this.
    Dec 18, 2017
  3. DopeLeafeon470
    @Eeveechu151 Yes, he's dusted the bat computer. So amazing.
    Uh, that's a lot of comments. You know what doesn't look weird when there's this many comments? Discord. *ROCKET!*
    Dec 18, 2017
  4. Mechanist Gamma
    Mechanist Gamma
    Yes Alfred. Have you seen the shit he's done?
    Dec 18, 2017
  5. DopeLeafeon470
    Dec 18, 2017
  6. Mechanist Gamma
    Mechanist Gamma
    Not the point. Ron's arsenal is still predictable and easily avoidable by anyone with skill. And what is the Bat-Family's superpower? Being incredibly skilled.
    Dec 18, 2017
  7. DopeLeafeon470
    Dec 18, 2017
  8. Mechanist Gamma
    Mechanist Gamma
    That only means that the spellcasters Dick has fought in the past had MORE variety in their attacks, not less. Ron has a limited arsenal with repetitive attacks that Dick could easily learn and counter. Point is, your conclusion for this battle is bullshit.
    Dec 18, 2017
  9. DopeLeafeon470
    Dec 18, 2017
  10. Mechanist Gamma
    Mechanist Gamma
    Severely doubt it.
    Dec 18, 2017
  11. DopeLeafeon470
    Dec 18, 2017
  12. Mechanist Gamma
    Mechanist Gamma
    About twice their total spell count at least.
    Dec 18, 2017
  13. DopeLeafeon470
    @Eeveechu151 Yes, Batman has beaten magic users. But how many spells do they know? Compared to students at Hogwarts, at least.
    Dec 18, 2017
  14. Mechanist Gamma
    Mechanist Gamma
    Does that help win a fight against a non-magic user when he's only trained to fight magic users with a limited number of spells? Yes, Dumbledore and Voldemort could PROBABLY beat Dick. (I say PROBABLY.) But that's only because they're the most powerful wizards in their world. Meanwhile Ron is this stupid kid that I doubt knows what Pythagorean Theorum is. And yes we can compare Batman to students at Hogwarts, considering he's faced off against and beat several magic users in the past. Point is Dick has fought and won against foes exactly like Ron before, except those foes were better. And Ron has NEVER fought anyone like Damian, and would have no way of being prepared to face him.
    Dec 18, 2017
  15. DopeLeafeon470
    @Eeveechu151 Dude, taking Defence of the Dark Arts and Charms is MUCH more useful in Ron's world than Math and English.
    Plus, we can't really compare Batman to students at Hogwarts. He doesn't have any superpowers, so at least Dumbledore or Voldemort should be able to take him out.
    Dec 18, 2017
  16. Mechanist Gamma
    Mechanist Gamma
    Yes. Spells that can be deflected or dodged easily with material objects. OH HEY LOOK WHAT ROBIN HAS! Plus, who do you think is going to have the smarts necessary to predict and outwit their opponent? A school dropout who never took regular classes like english and math... or the original protege of THE FREAKING BATMAN?!
    Dec 18, 2017
  17. DopeLeafeon470
    @Eeveechu151 Still...
    So far from what I've researched, Robin only has his Wing-Dings, martial arts, and his Staff. Meanwhile Ron has mastered many...MANY spells. Even if Robin is much smarter than Ron (...I just noticed Ron is Robin without the B and the I...), like it said, SPELLS.
    Dec 18, 2017
  18. Mechanist Gamma
    Mechanist Gamma
    Indeed I do, because I'm not saying that Ron is weak. Merely that Dick is far superior.
    Dec 18, 2017
  19. DopeLeafeon470
    @Eeveechu151 You say stuff about Robin's superiorness(?), and not Ron's weakness.
    Beggars can't be choosers, m8.
    Dec 18, 2017
  20. Mechanist Gamma
    Mechanist Gamma
    Okay, I call bullshit here. Robin is a far superior tactician, and would have been able to dodge the Avada Kedavra. Or at the very least deflect it with the use of his staff. Robin's death from the fight was caused solely by Mad Mod's interference, which in a battle like this is an inexcusable offense for a character not related to the battle to determine the outcome. Robin has fought plenty of foes like Ron before and won easily. If the quote you're using here is brains beats brawn, then ROBIN wins easily. He's a master tactician, second to BATMAN HIMSELF. And if you're going to be using outside interference here, then Starfire or one of the Teen Titans should have come in to help Robin. Point is, Robin wins EASILY in this situation. NOT Ron.
    Dec 18, 2017