legendary pokemon as weapons: Deoxys weapon

by roanyael

roanyael So here is Deoxys.
so as you can see I decided to make all four forms of Deoxys. Normal form became a sword, Speed became a spear (idk why ok), Attack became a bow and Defense became a shield (becouse there where no other logical options). Oh and this drawing is approved by my one and only annoying lil brother.
And we are going to Sinnoh next. Becouse it's Uxie's turn

K Bye
  1. Salted_Apples
    he protecc
    he attacc
    but most importantly
    he makes well designed art with a cool concept that displays lots of potential and current talent
    Sep 3, 2018
    roanyael likes this.
  2. Grand Master Koop
    Grand Master Koop
    makes sense
    Aug 29, 2018
    roanyael likes this.
  3. roanyael
    Becouse it shoots stuff and shooting=attacking
    IDK okay
    @Rohan Kishibe
    Aug 29, 2018
    Rohan Kishibe likes this.
  4. Grand Master Koop
    Grand Master Koop
    Nice choices of weapons, but why is attack a bow?
    Aug 28, 2018
    roanyael likes this.