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Death Battle? IL Fantasma vs Staroid

by Mewtwofan259

Mewtwofan259 It's Charmer vs Charmer! @Il Fantasma meets @Staroid in the ultimate battle.
Alright, so... Today is my official 3 year anniversary of being on Pokecharms! As a celebration, I'm putting 2 Charmers in a fight to the death! @Il Fantasma, also known as Fanta, meets @Staroid, also known as Star! I'm here to analyze these 2 and put them in a fight to the death. Don't know why I'm doing this, but it's my anniversary, I wanted to have some fun!

Fanta, real name Emily, has multiple forms for us to work with. We have Original Fanta, who is a species of Lunar Wolf! She just does Normal Wolf things but she has Air Powers! Next there's Fantacat, who is literally a cranky little cat who wants to claw your eyes out. Fantadog is the same thing, but with a dog. Next, there's Fanta from the immortal Tribe, who has Air Powers as well. Lastly, there's Pumpkin!Fanta. The Old Sport is a mystical being who plans to stuff eggplants into everyone in the world, turning them into Old Sport Clones. The only one who is able to stop him is the New Sport, who can stuff Pumpkins into people to return them to their normal state. After injesting a New Sport Pumpkin, Fanta became Pumpkin!Fanta. She now has a giant Minigun on her back, is immune to Old Sport's powers, and can create weapons out of pumpkins.

Next, we have Star, real name Liam. Star also has many forms for us to examine. First is Zodiac!Star, who can summon the animals of the Chinese Zodiac to fight for him. Next is Xeo!Star, who can go into your Brain and Show you your deepest fear. Next is Glitch!Star, real name Tobias. They were once a human, but once they were killed by a child, became a child murderer as a new virus. They can teleport anywhere, and they're dating Springtrap from Five Nights at Freddy's. Then there's Cyborg!Star. Nothing real special about him. Except that Cyborg!Star can form all of the Star's together to create Ultra!Star, who has all of their powers combined. All of the Stars have enhanced Strength, Flight, and Teleportation.

Alright the combatants are set, let's end this debate once and for all. I mean... This is a joke battle for my anniversary, but atleast it'll be fun. It's time for a Death Battle?

(It's a multi-dimensional Plane, infront of the Watcher HQ)
(There are 3 Animals Running around.)
(A wolf and Dog are playing together, while a cat is licking herself, hissing at the dogs.)
(There are 2 Fantas playing with the animals, both completely normal.)
(Suddenly, there's a rift in Time, and 4 asteroids crash in the field.)
(The animals stand up, the Wolf and Dog Growling and the Cat Hissing, while the humans walk over to see what happened)
(Figures burst open the asteroids, Zodiac!Star, Xeo!Star, Glitch!Star, and Cyborg!Star.)
(Air swirls around Immortal!Fanta's hands, as Pumpkin!Fanta, eats a Pumpkin)
(A Minigun pops out of Pumpkin!Fanta's back)
(Glitch!Star begins to teleport towards the group, but Normal Fanta chases after him and tackles him)
(Glitch!Star picks up Fanta and throws her towards Fantadog.)
(Zodiac!Star creates a Dog and Rat. Fantadog and Fantacat immediately attack them, killing them)
(Pumpkin!Fanta creates a Pumpkin Sword, charging towards Cyborg!Star.)
(Cyborg!Star teleports out of the way, before flying up into the air, and slamming back into the ground on top of Pumpkin!Fanta)
(Immortal!Fanta's uses her air powers, sending strong Gusts of wind towards Xeo!Star)
(Xeo!Star flies into the air, Immortal!Fanta follows him)
(Xeo!Star winds up, punching Immortal!Fanta, sending her smashing into the ground)
(Normal Fanta rushes towards Zodiac!Star, but a Tiger Appears, biting Normal Fanta)
(Fantadog and Fantacat brutally attack the Tiger, clawing its eyes out, before Fantacat jumps on Zodiac!Star)
(Glitch!Star teleports forward, grabbing Immortal!Fanta and throwing them straight into Fantacat, knocking them off)
(Cyborg!Star adjusts a power module, rushing towards Pumpkin!Fanta, though they are knocked away by Brass Knuckles made of Pumpkin)
(Cyborg!Star calls the different Stars together forming one Ultra!Star.)
(Normal Fanta flies towards Ultra!Star, using Air Powers to throw lots of wind towards Ultra!Star, causing them to stumble)
(Ultra!Star shows Fanta their Greatest fear, making them howl and back down)
(Fantadog and Fantacat tag team Ultra!Star, but they throw them on to the ground)
(An Ox, Snake, Horse, and Dragon all appear)
(The ox smashes into them, the snake binds them, the Horse tramples on them)
(To finish them off, The Dragon scorches them, leaving Fantadog and Fantacat a pile of Ash)
Double K.O?
(Pumpkin!Fanta uses their back minigun to blast Ultra!Star.)
(They teleport out of the way, before kicking Pumpkin!Fanta straight into a building)
(Immortal!Fanta looks Ultra!Star straight in the eyes before using Air powers to knock them to the ground)
(They put a lot of pressure on Ultra!Star, causing them to separate into 4 Stars again)
(Immortal!Fanta lifts her leg, before stomping on Cyborg!Star's head, destroying it, causing sparks to fly.)
(Glitch!Star gets angry, teleporting around, before landing infront of Normal Fanta and punching them.)
(Pumpkin!Fanta runs back on a Pumpkin Skateboard, knocking into Zodiac!Star, throwing them into a tree)
(Xeo!Star flies into the air, before flying back infront of Immortal!Fanta, before picking them up and throwing them to the ground)
(Seeing Pumpkin!Fanta, Xeo!Star teleports infront of them, getting into their head)
(Pumpkin!Fanta screams, before pointing their Minigun at Xeo!Star, rapid firing)
(Xeo!Star is blasted into a bunch of pieces, before falling backwards, dead.)
(Zodiac!Star summons a Rabbit.)
(Normal Fanta growls, walking towards it)
(As Fanta is going to eat the rabbit, Zodiac!Star goes into the air, and goes down really fast onto Normal Fanta, before crushing them)
(Zodiac!Star and Glitch!Star look at Immortal!Fanta and Pumpkin!Fanta)
(Now the true fight will begin)
(Glitch!Star teleports forward, before tripping Immortal!Fanta and pulling out a knife)
(Before Glitch!Star can stab them, Pumpkin!Fanta shoots them out of the way)
(Zodiac!Star creates an Ox, having them charge Pumpkin!Fanta)
(Immortal!Fanta gets up before running towards Zodiac!Star)
(A snake appears and wraps around Immortal!Fanta's neck, choking them)
(Glitch!Star finishes Immortal!Fanta off with a Knife to the forehead)
(Pumpkin!Fanta creates a Pumpkin Knife, locking knives with Glitch!Star)
(Glitch!Star knocks Pumpkin!Fanta to the ground, Glitch holding a knife to their neck)
(Pumpkin!Fanta shoots Glitch with their gun before stabbing them in the chest)
(Glitch!Star glitches out before falling to the ground)
(Pumpkin!Fanta rushes towards Zodiac!Star with their knife, but a sheep appears, taking the blow for Zodiac)
(A Horse Appears, kicking Pumpkin!Fanta in the stomach)
(Pumpkin!Fanta holds their chest, falling to the ground)
(A Dragon Appears and attemps to Burn Pumpkin!Fanta)
(Pumpkin rolls out of the way, shooting the Dragon down with their minigun)
(Pumpkin Fanta creates a Pumpkin Axe, taking Zodiac's Head off)

Wow that was long, but this battle was decided from the beginning. While Star's forms were impressive and had a lot more powers, they didn't have much diversity. Flight was something that some of the Fanta's shared, and Teleportation can only get you so far. And while Super Strength would be useful, they didn't have anything that could finish the Fantas off. Cyborg!Star and Glitch!Star were doomed because they don't have abilities that the other Stars share, while showing someone their darkest fear isn't that useful in a fight. Zodiac was the only Star that even stood a chance, but Pumpkin!Fanta's infinite Pumpkin Weapon supply and Minigun, plus Immorta!lFanta's and Normal!Fanta's air powers could easily defeat any of the Zodiacs that faced them. With Ultra!Star, all it took was for Cyborg!Star to be killed and Ultra!Star couldn't be activated anymore. Sorry @Staroid, but the facts don't lie. The winner is @Il Fantasma
  1. Splashfur
    *stands up and claps* you should do this again sometime!
    Aug 20, 2017
    Mewtwofan259 likes this.
  2. DopeLeafeon470
    That's a thing.
    Aug 15, 2017
    PeridotPikipek likes this.
  3. DopeLeafeon470
    Aug 8, 2017
    PeridotPikipek likes this.
  4. Mewtwofan259
    Aug 3, 2017
    PeridotPikipek and Il Fantasma like this.
  5. Il Fantasma
    Il Fantasma
    Good fight, m'dude! I did notice a little something, though. You accidentally said Zodiac!Fanta instead of Zodiac!Star at some point in the middle. Other than that, it was a fun read! Nice job~!
    Aug 3, 2017
    PeridotPikipek and Staroid like this.
  6. Tamazarokon
    Aug 3, 2017
    PeridotPikipek likes this.