Dear Future Self

by =Nightshade=

=Nightshade= I have to write a monologue for my drama elective, so I figured I’d post it here.
Dear future self,
Show me who you are. Look up at the sky. See the beauty around you, and remember that it is God’s work, and you are God’s work, and if God can clothe the flowers in the lush colors of the sunset, why should you worry about what you will wear? If God can give the birds voices that harmonize and fill the mornings with a symphony the likes of which you will never hear again, then why should you worry about how you sing?

Dear future self,
Never forget who you are. I am you, and you are me. I was the one who put down the one everyone else was bullying. I was the one who gave into peer pressure and lost a friend. I was the one who, time and time again, hung with the wrong crowd and destroyed any innocence I still retained. But I am also the one who figured out what I was doing was wrong. I am the one who made up with the one I had hurt. I am smart, and strong, and beautiful... and so are you.

Dear future self,
Remember your experiences. Remember the sunrise’s pastel colors streaking the sky, silver clouds drifting wayward. Remember the sight of his brown eyes staring deep into your blue ones before parting. Remember those who care for you, your Korean mother, Italian father, and yes, even your annoying little sister. Remember love. Remember hate. Remember happiness, sadness, ecstasy. Remember me.

Dear future self... remember me. Remember who you are.
Cmeriwether, Schrift, Austo and 2 others like this.
  1. =Nightshade=
    @Schrift007 Whoa whoa whoa hold up you most definitely did not fuck up anything

    Easy on the self-pity my dude, take a breather and look up cute puppy gifs on google, that should help
    Jun 25, 2020
  2. Schrift
    And I came along and fucked up all that

    Choo choo skrrrt skrrrt
    Jun 25, 2020