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Aura's 30 Day Pokemon Drawing Challenge: Day Seven - Aura's 30 Day Pokemon Drawing Challenge

by SylvieThePokemonTrainer

Kawaii DITTO.png
SylvieThePokemonTrainer @Aura 's 30 Day Pokemon Drawing Challenge - DAY SEVEN!

1. Draw your overall favourite Pokemon
2. Draw your overall least favourite Pokemon
3. Draw your favourite Pokemon when you first got into Pokemon
4. Draw the ugliest Pokemon to you
5. Draw the cutest Pokemon to you
6. Draw the scariest Pokemon to you
7. Draw the funniest Pokemon to you
8. Draw your three favourite starters (1 per type)
9. Draw your favourite Legendary Pokemon
10. Draw your favourite Eeveelution
11. Draw your favourite Mega Evolution
12. Draw your favourite Pikachu clone
13. Draw your favourite early game bird Pokemon
14. Draw your favourite Fossil Pokemon
15. Draw your favourite genderless (non-legendary) Pokemon
16. Draw the best looking shiny Pokemon
17. Draw a Pokemon that you hate battling in game
18. Draw a Pokemon using your favourite move
19. Draw a Pokemon in a seasonal outfit
20. Draw a Pokemon in your favourite Cosplay Pikachu outfit
21. Draw a Pokemon you like using the colour scheme of a Pokemon you don’t like
22. Draw a base stage Pokemon wearing clothes based on its evolution
23. Draw a fusion of a Pokemon from your most favourite and least favourite type
24. Draw your favourite Pokemon from Gen I, II, III, and IV
25. Draw your favourite Pokemon from Gen V, VI, and VII
26. Design a new Alolan form
27. Design some Pokemon breed variants
28. Design a new Magikarp pattern for Magikarp Jump
29. Design a new Pokemon based on your profile on Pokecharms (eg type, profile picture, nature etc)
30. Draw yourself as a Pokemon Trainer

So, this is Day Seven, DRAW THE FUNNIEST POKEMON TO YOU! And what is the funniest Pokemon to me? DITTO!

So this is a picture of a kawaii Ditto, drawn completely on Microsoft Paint, Windows 10 with my touchpad! =D Took about an hour to make, and I'm...kinda proud of it, even though it was so easy to draw once I got the correct shape of its body. XD

Leave your feedback down below! =D Also, posting this at 05/10/2017 at 21:54, so this is Day Seven! I hope you think this is good!

PS: The dark patch on the bottom of Ditto is the terrible attempt at shading I made because of how easy this Pokemon is to draw and @Pixilate 's advice saying shading would make my drawings more nicer! =D And I agree! It does! Please leave feedback about the shading if you can! =)
  1. SylvieThePokemonTrainer
    Thank you @Psycho Monkey! =D Yeah, it was just with Paint every time I tried to make the shading more round the shading would end up being completely changed and bought up to it's arms XD I'm going to practise shading on more simple things, with highlights and shading, while still doing this challenge and I might post some of the shading attempts so I can get some feedback, because honestly I cannot judge my drawings because I have no opinion on it lol
    Oct 6, 2017
  2. Aura
    I think Pixilate was right, it does look really good! I'd really like to see you try more shading as you go along with this, it will probably help you improve. You could also add highlights to the picture as well if you wanted to go the full mile. Speaking of the shading, remember to keep in mind the shape of the surface you're shading - Ditto is very blobby and rounded, so you can make the edge of the shadow very rounded in places to suggest this (take a look at Ditto's official art again, that kinda shows what I mean).
    Oct 6, 2017
  3. Psycho Monkey
    Psycho Monkey
    Shhh don't tell people the squares at the bottom were an accident. I personally thought it was supposed to be shadow until you mentioned it. :p You did a great job with the shading, it looks really good!
    Oct 6, 2017
  4. SylvieThePokemonTrainer
    ? Why are there wierd grey squares around near the bottom of it? =/ Stupid Paint is so glitchy sometimes XD I need to find a proper drawing app lol
    Oct 5, 2017