Aura's 30 Day Pokemon Drawing Challenge: Day Four - @Aura's 30 Day Pokemon Drawing Challenge

by SylvieThePokemonTrainer

SylvieThePokemonTrainer @Aura 's 30 Day Pokemon Drawing Challenge - DAY FOUR!

1. Draw your overall favourite Pokemon
2. Draw your overall least favourite Pokemon
3. Draw your favourite Pokemon when you first got into Pokemon
4. Draw the ugliest Pokemon to you
5. Draw the cutest Pokemon to you
6. Draw the scariest Pokemon to you
7. Draw the funniest Pokemon to you
8. Draw your three favourite starters (1 per type)
9. Draw your favourite Legendary Pokemon
10. Draw your favourite Eeveelution
11. Draw your favourite Mega Evolution
12. Draw your favourite Pikachu clone
13. Draw your favourite early game bird Pokemon
14. Draw your favourite Fossil Pokemon
15. Draw your favourite genderless (non-legendary) Pokemon
16. Draw the best looking shiny Pokemon
17. Draw a Pokemon that you hate battling in game
18. Draw a Pokemon using your favourite move
19. Draw a Pokemon in a seasonal outfit
20. Draw a Pokemon in your favourite Cosplay Pikachu outfit
21. Draw a Pokemon you like using the colour scheme of a Pokemon you don’t like
22. Draw a base stage Pokemon wearing clothes based on its evolution
23. Draw a fusion of a Pokemon from your most favourite and least favourite type
24. Draw your favourite Pokemon from Gen I, II, III, and IV
25. Draw your favourite Pokemon from Gen V, VI, and VII
26. Design a new Alolan form
27. Design some Pokemon breed variants
28. Design a new Magikarp pattern for Magikarp Jump
29. Design a new Pokemon based on your profile on Pokecharms (eg type, profile picture, nature etc)
30. Draw yourself as a Pokemon Trainer

So, this is Day Four, DRAW THE UGLIEST POKEMON TO YOU! And what is the most ugliest Pokemon to me? Probopass!

So this is a picture of a Probopass, drawn completely on Microsoft Paint, Windows 10 with my touchpad! =D Took about 3-4 hours to make, and I'm quite proud of it! =)

Leave your feedback down below! =D Also, posting this at 03/10/2017 at 12:10, so this is Day Four! But it's actually Day Five, because I couldn't find the time to draw yesterday, so I'm also going to post Day Five today =) I hope you think this is good!
  1. FrostCrispz
    Just think of mario when you look at him.
    Oct 5, 2017
  2. SylvieThePokemonTrainer
    Ugh, just everything. The MOUSTACHE for starters, the ugly colours, how wierdly cute its eyes are even though its such an ugly freak, etc etc XD
    Oct 3, 2017
  3. FrostCrispz
    Its MARIO!!! How is he ugly?
    Oct 3, 2017
  4. SylvieThePokemonTrainer
    Thank you! =3 I just don't really like shading - in most cases it makes my pictures look like they have bruises on them XD But I might start shading when I get better at drawing! =D
    Oct 3, 2017
  5. qlovers
    Improvement just screams in this picture.You're a great Artist, you know that, right? ^^ But if you just shaded a bit somewhere it would look a little bit nicer ^^
    Oct 3, 2017
  6. SylvieThePokemonTrainer
    I think this is actually my best one yet, it's kinda 3D, like the right arm and the top of its head kind of =)
    Oct 3, 2017