31 Days Pokemon Drawing Challenge: Day 2: Favorite Generation 3 and/or 4 Pokemon

by Everstone

3&4 GenPkmn.png 3&4 Gen.png
Everstone (I liked the black-background better, but I put the transparent one in too...)

Concept thrown at me from Xiurele. Thanks, sweetie. This was really fun to do!

Favorite Gen 3 Pokémon is Poochyena! This one is Shiny. *u* My little dog growing up, she always reminded me of a shiny Poochyena. She was a mutt mix of Australian Shepherd and was brown and soooo pretty. ♥

Favorite Gen 4 Pokémon is Phione!

Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, Day 4, [more to come...]
  1. SilverEevee:3
    Aug 18, 2017