AnimeFreak Reviews: Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou

by The AnimeFreak

The AnimeFreak The Daily Lives of Highschool Boys... Do you call this daily? I will be reviewing one of the most funniest anime ever, Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou!
ALTERNATE NAMES: Daily Lives of Highschool Boys

Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou, also known as The Daily Lives of Highschool Boys, is a funny anime. Not enough? Well, how about it is a really funny anime? That’s good enough? Well, I’ll tell you how I found this. Well, it was easy; on YouTube Top 10 Lists. There was this one list, and Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou was on it. However, I wasn’t much interested, till I browsed through all the anime with the Shonen genre, and that’s how it all started. Not that surprising. Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou, one of the funniest anime ever, it’s review will begin now!

There are so many things I want to say about Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou. A lot of things, even I don’t bother counting! However, I will start with the positivity, then move on to the negativity. Okay, so there is no story; well, there kind of is. It’s about 3 high school boys, and they’re friends. They go to an all-boys school called Prefectural Sanada North High School, and they do all sorts of things that a high school boy should do. Have fun, play RPG games in real life, and go crazy! Not drunk, just normally crazy.

The good things are that this is not your average school anime: it’s an all-boys school, so that is called a change in most school anime. Also, this story has so many different stories in it. You can call it a mini-story, or some things that happen in normal school life, but they just make it all absolutely hilarious and comedic, I just cannot stand how good they did on each story! Each “mini-story” has a situation, and you can watch how they deal with it, but they usually just play along and such, which makes it even more funny. It fills you with HOPES AND DREAMS.

The negative things are that the situations are always classic. Well, most of them are, but the jokes they make are so classic. Not only that, but the situations are everything that happen in high school life. Pretty much not everything, but some things. Not only that, but they are way too short! We could have them slightly longer! I know, that’s how the manga works, but it is just a bit shorter than the manga. Just slightly. If it could have the same length, that would be okay! That’s all for the story. Everything else is good.

As for the art, it is beautiful. Sunrise is really good at their drawing and animation, and not to mention Square Enix did a good job with the anime too. The way it is animated is perfect, absolutely perfect. You could say I have no problems with the art, and if I did, it won’t be The Daily Lives of Highschool Boys, because this can be relatable to your life in high-school. The anime has one of the best art that I have ever seen, and it is done perfectly. Outstanding, and masterpiece art.

I will say why the animation and art is good. The art for this anime is unique. Really unique. It looks like it’s drawn by someone who spends their whole day drawing, because someone who does that improves on skills. The animation isn’t really intense, but it is still one of the reasons this anime is really good. It is beautiful animation. Animation doesn’t need to be intense; it can be beautiful too. That is what this anime’s art pretty much is: impressive, beautiful, and absolutely well done.

The characters are really good, in my opinion. However, is this all we’re gonna get about the characters? Really? They could tell us more about each character, because I am a bit disappointed. But that’s the only bad thing. The good things are the character’s personalities fit how they look. Tadakuni looks like a high-school boy who is most fit out to be the center, and someone who would be annoyed if a friend acts silly. Hidenori seems to be the most energetic, funniest, and probably the most calm but has emotions, and Yoshitake looks like an emotionless comedian that has emotions and probably the most dumbest one there. Not in an offensive way, just as of intelligence.

I think they’re all perfect for who they are. They are really good. Everyone is the same in this anime, and the way that they are pretty much presented are really good. Pretty well done, in my opinion. Like I said before, I didn’t want to get this much of the characters and I wanted more, and I wanted them to show more in a different way. Instead of saying it straight (because if they did, it won’t be a full manga adaptation), I want the characters to show more of who they are differently.

The sound is beautiful. Although the ending song is silly, that’s what I like about it. Just how silly it is makes the song good. The soundtrack itself is good in it’s own way, but I feel like something isn’t right. I don’t know why, but something isn’t right. It just doesn’t seem right; but anyway, I find the soundtrack enjoyable. The opening is really good! The opening video really fits the whole anime, and the song is really catchy. However, I feel like it doesn’t fit the anime. I don’t know why, but it just doesn’t fit. Yet, I never got my answer, but hey, at least everything else is good!

The anime overall is enjoyable! Although I feel like I can put it on-hold like I want to, it’s really good! But it didn’t catch my eye much to give it a 10 on enjoyment. However, I did find it all enjoyable, it was really good. I liked most scenes, while some scenes I say “meh, it’s normal.”. I don’t hate any scene, but I just find it, well, neutral, I guess? Is that the best word? I would find real life enjoyable if my high-school life was exactly like Tadakuni, Hidenori, and Yoshitake’s life in high-school, because that would be cool. The anime is cool, I guess, really cool. It’s well done.

Story: 7/10
Art: 10/10
Character: 8/10
Sound: 8/10
Enjoyment: 7/10
Overall: 8/10

Well, overall, I find this anime very good. Very cool, and it’s worth a watch. Although it may not live up to your expectations, it is still worth it. I like this anime, and I think you will like it too, no doubt!
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